The Heart of a Forerunner... burdened with discerning all that is transpiring in our culture and warning others from a biblical perspective; however, the heart of a forerunner is not content merely to sound the alarm. A forerunner is also burdened with seeing the systemic change in both individuals and society that Jesus had in mind in His Great Commission. Therefore, a forerunner is also a cultural influencer.

Author Timothy Zebell discusses his book, "Heart of a Forerunner"
Become a Relevant and Influential Voice
It is foolish to imagine that we can be disciples of a Revolutionary without being revolutionary ourselves. As Christians, we are not called to simply keep our heads low, refusing to draw attention or distinguish ourselves from a culture that is hostile to our faith. Instead, we are to imitate Jesus, whose teaching and lifestyle was so countercultural that it captured everyone’s attention — from the lowliest beggar to the most powerful leaders.
Helping Christians To
Discover God’s redemptive role for nations
Honestly evaluate our nation’s perilous trajectory
Learn how to verbalize our concerns
Learn how to become cultural influencers
Learn how to prepare for difficult times
Learn how to minister in all circumstances
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As a former missionary to Asia for 12 years, a writer for Forerunners of America, and the author of several books, Timothy is passionate about helping people understand the relevancy of God’s Word in today’s world. His goals are to help Christians capitalize on the opportunities these matters provide for sharing the truth about God and His gospel message.