Dave Warn's New Release!
Dave Warn, Founder of Forerunners of America has released a new book! Called to Contend features a powerful "now" message regarding America's ongoing war with God. Each and every Christian is called by God to contend for the faith, and many have failed to heed this sovereign calling. Called to Contend shares the lessons we need to learn as biblical forerunners so that we can impact our families, friends, churches, and our nation.
Dave Warn | FOA Founder
Dave Warn came to faith in Christ as a college student and has been in full-time ministry ever since. His experience in campus ministry and church ministry, as well as earning a master's degree from Denver Seminary, prepared him to launch Forerunners of America in 2014. He believes that God has a "now" message for this generation and the body of Christ must be prepared for what is coming to our nation. Dave is host of the INSIGHTS podcast and a frequent conference speaker, helping people discern the hour and respond in faith.

Start Your Forerunner Journey
Discover what it means to be a Forerunner
Simply put, a forerunner is a cultural influencer who serves an essential role in God's redemptive purposes. A Forerunner delivers God’s warning of national judgment with the goal of eliciting a spirit of repentance that will ripple into cultural change among both individuals and their communities. At the heart of this appeal are God’s redemptive purpose for nations and the transformative power of the gospel
Schedule a Conference
Dave Warn is available to speak and also offers a variety of conference topics designed to alert people to the national consequences of ignoring God's will and to help Christians discern spiritual lies, contend for the faith, and strengthen their faith and prayer lives.