A Focus on COVID-19

- Culture in Focus -
A Message of Hope from a Chinese Christian to America

A Message of Hope from a Chinese Christian to America

By forerunner | March 24, 2020

Not meeting in my local church building for Sunday worship because of the coronavirus reminded me of my church experience in China before becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen. Our gatherings were forced to scatter; our meeting places were bulldozed; believers were threatened and arrested. Christians in China are still persecuted for their faith, resulting in a lot of unknowns for tomorrow among God’s people. Nonetheless…

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How to Love Others in a Pandemic

How to Love Others in a Pandemic

By Timothy Zebell | March 23, 2020

Loving others in the midst of a pandemic begins with purging fear from our spirits. First John 4:18 reminds us, “There is no fear in love.” If we fixate on personal risk, worrisome hypothetical scenarios, and unknown factors, we will be ill-equipped to…

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God's Remedy for an Infected Nation

God’s Remedy for an Infected Nation

By Timothy Zebell | March 18, 2020

What is the church’s message during this time of national difficulty? For weeks, America’s elected officials have worked overtime to propagate a message of social distancing and increased hygiene. What about the church? Are God’s people working overtime to propagate a particular message to an infected nation filled with fear and anxiety? … provides God’s people with an action plan for aligning our hearts with the heart of God in times of crisis….

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Preparing to Minister Through the Difficulties of Coronavirus

Preparing to Minister in a Pandemic

By Timothy Zebell | March 16, 2020

Two things offer Christians a great advantage in understanding what is transpiring around us. In Matthew chapter 22, some religious leaders asked Jesus a question. These were people trying to make sense of the world around them, but…

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Evaluating the Coronavirus Pandemic from a Christian Perspective

Evaluating the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Christian Perspective

By Timothy Zebell | March 13, 2020

Perhaps the most debilitating symptom of the coronavirus is fear. Officially a global pandemic, and declared a national emergency in America, the coronavirus is producing widespread fear and panic. Is this fear merited? And what should our mindset be as Christians in this time of national anxiety?

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