A Focus on Transgender Issues

- Culture in Focus -
Mayor Pete and the Dawning of a New Political Era

Mayor Pete and the Dawning of a New Political Era

By Timothy Zebell | May 22, 2019

As a Millennial, Buttigieg appeals to younger voters, being a fresh face in a year when Millennials are poised to become the largest eligible voting bloc. TIME reports, “Many Democrats are hungry for generational change, and the two front runners are more than twice his age.” However, generational change for the sake of change can be a terrifying prospect, and…

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Why Gender Matters

Why Gender Matters

By Timothy Zebell | April 17, 2019

234 Representatives have co-sponsored a House bill dubbed “The Equality Act” requiring schools to allow men who identify as transgender women to compete on female sports teams. This “Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ protected characteristics under federal anti-discrimination law.”

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Is This New Year's Resolution a Wise Way to Begin 2019?

Is This New Year’s Resolution a Wise Way to Begin 2019?

By Timothy Zebell | January 2, 2019

As we usher in 2019, millions of people throughout the nation are crafting new year resolutions. In New York City, some of these resolutions certain to stretch God’s patience. Is this truly a wise way to begin the new year?

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By Timothy Zebell | January 1, 2018

Are Christians prepared to answer the challenges that accompany transgender ideology? Can we clearly defend our beliefs? Do we understand what the transgender community believes? Transitioning introduces the reader to transgender ideology while providing a Biblical framework for evaluating it.

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Why Does the Church Focus on Sexual Issues?

Why Does the Church Focus on Sexual Issues?

By Timothy Zebell | December 29, 2017

“Ex-GI Becomes Blonde Beauty!” splashed across the front pages of The New York Daily News in 1952 when George Jorgensen Jr. returned home from a sex-reassignment surgery in Sweden as Christine Jorgensen. Six decades before Caitlyn Jenner, and among the first to undergo such a procedure, Christine Jorgensen was America’s original transgender sweetheart.[1] Crowned Woman of…

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Why is Sexual Expression Important?

By Timothy Zebell | June 24, 2016

King Solomon declared nearly 3,000 years ago that there is nothing new under the sun. Within the United States transgenderism and sex-reassignment procedures are nothing new. Why then is America so obsessed with the transgender community? Furthermore, how is the matter of how a person chooses to present themselves sexually, significant for the Church? Click…

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Why are Gender-Specific Bathrooms Important?

By Timothy Zebell | June 24, 2016

There is a deep-rooted fear of the bathroom within the transgender community. This is not because of the prevalence of violence, but rather the fear of possible humiliation. Transgender individuals are afraid they will not be accepted, will be challenged, or will be reminded of the differences between themselves and those with whom they identify.…

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Is Transgenderism a Mental Illness?

By Timothy Zebell | June 24, 2016

At the heart of the debate regarding how to classify transgenderism is the question, “What causes transgenderism?” Is transgenderism a perfectly natural and inborn condition; is it a consequence of social conditioning; is it a psychological disorder, or is it something else? Click to Download

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Is the Church Prepared to Minister to Transgenders?

By Timothy Zebell | June 24, 2016

Recent news, media, and legislative events have made it evident that there is an entire community of people who know that something isn’t right and are desperately seeking a solution. Unfortunately, they are focused upon transforming their bodies when they should be focused on transforming their spirits. However, the natural guide in this process is conspicuously…

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