Let’s Make a Difference
We are called to minister with the vitality and potency modeled by Jesus and expressed throughout the Bible. A Kingdom-life Ministry Seminar is designed to help you minister in greater faith and to see dramatically more fruit! Rather than feel immobilized—or even defeated—due to the waywardness of our nation, we should see opportunity. As Christ-followers, God desires to accomplish the miraculous in and through us. Learn practical ways to increase your faith, to see lives transformed, and to minister to others in the unbridled power of God. This could be your finest hour!

Ever since launching Forerunners of America, Dave Warn has believed that our nation not only needs a biblical explanation of what God can do, but a demonstration of what He does do! As a result, one of Dave’s passions is to see God glorified by seeing Him change lives through His powerful presence.
Build a firm biblical foundation for seeing God use you in dramatic ways
Increase your confidence and boldness when ministering to others
Learn how to minister to others in ways that see Jesus heal emotional scars, reverse physical problems, and break the enemy’s bondages
Learn practical faith steps for ministering in the same power as the Apostle Paul

Choose Your Team
Pick your leadership team who will help organize and promote a Kingdom-life Seminar

Decide A Time
Choose a timeframe that best fits your ministry context. A Kingdom-life Seminar can take place over three consecutive evenings or all-day Saturday. Some may choose to have an introductory Friday evening message, followed by specific ministry training on Saturday.

Get in Touch
Contact Forerunners of America to answer any questions, make sure a speaker/facilitator is available for your gathering, and to discuss details. The easiest way to contact FOA is to set up a phone appointment by emailing us at info@forerunnersofamerica.org or via the contact form below. Be sure to provide the timeline and requested event details in your message!