Posts Tagged ‘Drugs’

Stop the Unraveling

Since March, our nation has experienced a dramatic unraveling that, among other things, has already expanded our national debt from 23.8 to 26.7 trillion dollars. No amount of money will repair our nation, but before sharing a vital step to reverse what is taking place before our eyes, let me summarize our recent journey, which…

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Obstinance in the Face of COVID-19

Obstinance in the Face of COVID-19

Faced with an invisible enemy that has cratered our economy and threatens to kill untold numbers across our nation and around the world, we in America are responding in much the same way as those we read about in the book of Revelation. … When we arrive at the other side of this pandemic, what will be said about our reaction? How will we be changed? Will we respond like…

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Mayor Pete and the Dawning of a New Political Era

Mayor Pete and the Dawning of a New Political Era

As a Millennial, Buttigieg appeals to younger voters, being a fresh face in a year when Millennials are poised to become the largest eligible voting bloc. TIME reports, “Many Democrats are hungry for generational change, and the two front runners are more than twice his age.” However, generational change for the sake of change can be a terrifying prospect, and…

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Local Action Required

As someone who focuses on national topics, I also realize that I need to engage locally. Not only am I referring to sharing my faith, but also the need to stand firm in the public square on all kinds of issues.   Like me, you may find yourself  concerned by  various  national trends, federal policies and laws, and countless alarming activities taking place from coast to coast. But locally—wow—did I have a wake-up call of…

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