Posts Tagged ‘Elections’

INSIGHTS: What the Bible Says About Election Day

In recent years, politicians have frequently drifted into the realm of faith and moral issues, often promoting legislation that contradicts God’s Word! Yet, God never intended for the church to be silent on these issues. In fact it is these very issues that are related to why God will either bless a nation or judge a nation. The November 3rd election is a choice between electing government leaders who will lead our nation toward God or will lead our nation into greater rebellion against God. In this edition of INSIGHTS, Dave Warn and Than Christopoulos highlight many Scriptures that prove Christians are to influence the entire culture – including government – and that November 3rd can be a vital step in seeing our nation turn back to God. Guaranteed, this is a fresh look at faith and government – far more biblical look than many who have attempted to address this topic – and is a position that most Christians have not considered.

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November 3rd—Trump vs. Biden, or Something Bigger?

November 3rd - Trump vs Biden or Something Bigger

For many the first presidential debate of 2020 highlighted a question with which they’ve long struggled: How could anyone support and vote for such a foul-mouthed, mean-spirited, bully who has seemingly single-handedly destroyed civil public discourse in America? … Like it or not, one of two people will be president come January 20, 2021. … Yet, as contentious as these two candidates have proven to be with each other, something bigger is at play…

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INSIGHTS: Getting Traction Between Now and the Election

2020 has been tumultuous because of COVID-19 and the race riots, as well as because of the recent Supreme Court justice nomination and the impending election. Will Christians use the authority God has given them or will we continue to let our spiritual adversary roam the land? In this edition of INSIGHTS, Dave Warn and Eddie Ruiz help us get traction in our prayers to see a difference in the days ahead leading up to November 3 and beyond!

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No Place for God in Major Political Party

No Place for God in Major Political Party

Only those willing to align our national policies with God’s moral laws have any chance of truly succeeding in Washington D.C. We must not forget that the solution to our nation’s troubles is ultimately a spiritual matter. If we seek God’s blessing upon our nation, then we cannot exclude Him from our politics….

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Making America Great Again

Making America Great Again

For Christians to sit as spectators in the stands while rooting for President Trump to Make America Great Again is foolishness. Government and legislation are important but can only take a nation so far. How then can the church be used of God to make America great again?

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When Does Life Begin?

When Does Life Begin

For a presidential candidate eager to adjudicate moral questions, Mayor Pete Buttigieg has been remarkably reluctant to define the morality of abortion. He told Bob Costa that the questions surrounding when life begins are “almost unknowable questions,” and, “We will never be able to settle those questions in a consensus fashion, scientifically.” However, in an interview on The Breakfast Club, Mayor Pete suggested that the Bible may define life as beginning not at conception but at first breath….

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The Challenge of Authenticity

The Challenge of Authenticity

Despite a substantial campaign war chest, a high-profile position, and being the virtual embodiment of woke Democratic ideology, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has withdrawn her 2020 presidential candidacy. How is it that she consistently polled near 0%, and what can her experience teach us as Christians?

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Socialism Exposed

Socialism Exposed

On the heels of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing—an event heralded as a triumph of Capitalism over Socialism—Americans are today divided over whether we’d be better-off as a socialist country. Not surprisingly, this division is largely along party lines with 57% of Democrats viewing Socialism positively compared to only 16% of Republicans.…

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One Vote away from Tyranny

One Vote Away from Tyranny

Regardless of one’s politics, it is deeply disturbing the frequency with which serious presidential candidates have proposed solving controversial matters through executive orders. Without blushing, multiple candidates readily declared their intention to ignore the will of the people and proper legislative process in favor of imposing their will upon the nation by executive fiat. This is particularly troubling when one considers the extreme policy positions represented among the candidates during the DNC debate….

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