Posts Tagged ‘No Longer a Private Matter’

Crisis Management

Crisis Management

A crisis of ideology is brewing. Many of our society’s most fundamental beliefs are being shaken, and this has given rise to widespread fear and anger. As Christians, we must guard against these feelings and recognize that this could be a prime opportunity for us to share the gospel and to minister to others. Rather…

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A Harmful Ideology

A Harmful Ideology

Although reliable data is limited, there is reason to believe that the increased awareness and tolerance of gender ideology is adversely affecting children. Data from the United Kingdom suggests that an over-exposure to gender ideology is resulting in an increased number of children who are confused about their sexuality.[1] In the United Kingdom, a Telegraph article titled “Rise in…

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A Crisis of Ideology

A Crisis of Ideology

The logic undergirding transgender ideology is incompatible with the rationale behind many societal laws and protections….

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