Posts Tagged ‘Politics’
INSIGHTS: 2020 – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Many can’t wait to turn the page to 2021. However, there were some HUGE positives to 2020. And not surprising, there were some HUGE setbacks. In this edition of INSIGHTS Dave Warn and Than Christopoulos will help you discern what just happened and help you respond in faith.
Read MoreThe Fake News Epidemic & Its Perilous Trajectory
A growing segment of the population have embraced the term “fake news” to describe the media. But is this label fair? What do people mean by the term? More importantly, the debate surrounding fake news has spiritual implications for our nation. What are these implications?
Read MoreINSIGHTS: Culture of Lies
America in the Balance
God has a purpose for nations in His redemptive plan, and He uses such things as a rising national debt, a gridlocked government, and deteriorating family structures to expose a nation’s spiritual waywardness. America in the Balance addresses these issues and many more!
Read MoreINSIGHTS: North Korea
Evaluating the North Korean Crisis
After unsuccessfully leaning upon China to negotiate with North Korea, President Donald Trump tweeted on June 30, 2017, “The era of strategic patience with the North Korea regime has failed. That patience is over.” President Trump appears to be considering whether to continue on the path of applying diplomatic and economic pressure, or whether it…
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