Posts Tagged ‘Riots’

Alienated from the Country We Love

Alienated from the Country We Love

“Trump Impeached Again” is blared across the Washington Post in massive block letters. … Once more, our nation finds itself in uncharted territory. This snap impeachment was so rushed that there is not even sufficient time for the Senate to conduct a trial, begging the question of whether a president can complete the impeachment process after he has already left office. … What has become of our country? Far too many Americans look around themselves and simply fail to recognize…

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INSIGHTS: 2020 – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Many can’t wait to turn the page to 2021. However, there were some HUGE positives to 2020. And not surprising, there were some HUGE setbacks. In this edition of INSIGHTS Dave Warn and Than Christopoulos will help you discern what just happened and help you respond in faith.

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Stop the Unraveling

Since March, our nation has experienced a dramatic unraveling that, among other things, has already expanded our national debt from 23.8 to 26.7 trillion dollars. No amount of money will repair our nation, but before sharing a vital step to reverse what is taking place before our eyes, let me summarize our recent journey, which…

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INSIGHTS: Breaking Out of Lies and Confusion (Part 1)

As a nation, we continue to make fearful decisions based on lies and confusion. To break out of these deceptions, join Forerunners of America founder Dave Warn and Than Christopoulos for insights that will help you and your friends experience freedom.

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INSIGHTS: Racism – Side Winds Are Blowing!

How is Black Lives Matter different from the Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King? How are Critical Race Theory and The 1619 Project trying to change the fabric of our nation? In this edition of INSIGHTS, Dave Warn and Eddie Ruiz explain how these side winds are currently blowing our nation off course and will likely be used by “the father of lies” to escalate racism in America.

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Why the Black Community Cannot Grant Americans the Forgiveness They Seek

Why the Black Community Cannot Grant Americans the Forgiveness They Seek

Collective guilt contravenes our Christian faith (Eze. 18:20) and the very principles upon which our country was founded. Moreover, it makes us as a nation vulnerable to the tyranny of retaliation. … What we are witnessing in America today is an afront to the biblical practice of repentance and forgiveness. Kneeling before our fellow man in order to confess…

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Where America’s Riots Have Gone Wrong

Where America's Riots Have Gone Wrong

What began as a cry for justice quickly evolved into a demand that Americans embrace a foreign approach to governance. Some, such as author and social critic Os Guinness, have noted that the leaders of this movement are attempting to replace the ideology of the American Revolution with that of the French Revolution. Fundamentally, they are replacing a biblical model with an expressly anti-biblical model….

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Why Our Corrupt System Must Be Replaced

Why Our Corrupt System Must Be Replaced

A veto-proof majority of city council members announced on Sunday their commitment to disbanding the Minneapolis Police Department. … It turns out Black Lives Matter is right about one thing—the system does need to be replaced. However, the reason has nothing to do with…

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