Posts Tagged ‘Sexual Confusion’
Is Gender Dysphoria Harming Our Children?
Although reliable data is limited, there is reason to believe that the increased awareness and tolerance of gender ideology is adversely affecting children. Data from the United Kingdom suggests that an over-exposure to gender ideology is resulting in an increased number of children who are confused about their sexuality.[1] In the United Kingdom a Telegraph article…
Read MoreIs Transgenderism in the Bible?
King Solomon declared nearly 3,000 years ago that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9). Transgenderism is no exception. Even among the gods of ancient civilizations, gender fluidity can be found. Therefore, it should not be surprising to discover that the Bible addresses gender dysphoria. This rise in sexual confusion is concerning because…
Read MoreWhy Do Transgenders Fear Public Bathrooms?
Within a month’s time 1,327,000 petitioners pledged to boycott Target, America’s second largest retailer, over its revised bathroom policy.[1][2] In a company statement issued April 19, 2016, Target announced: We believe that everyone—every team member, every guest, and every community—deserves to be protected from discrimination, and treated equally. Consistent with this belief, Target supports the federal Equality…
Read MoreBathrooms: The Frontline in the Culture War
Recently, politicians have endeavored to fix the problem by defining an individual’s sex apart from their biology, choosing instead to focus entirely upon the individual’s personal feelings. CBS New York reports: New York City has enacted a regulation that ensures people visiting city facilities can use restrooms or locker rooms aligned with their gender identity. Mayor Bill…
Read MoreDoes Intersex Disprove the Gender Binary?
“She might have the physical attributes of a woman but Jennifer Pagonis was in fact born intersex, meaning she is genetically male and has the reproductive organs to match.”[1] This was the opening sentence in a Daily Mail article titled “‘I Exist in the Gray.’” Pagonis was born with a rare genetic condition called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. The…
Read MoreWhy Does God Create Hermaphrodites?
Why does God create intersex individuals? What makes this subject difficult to discuss is that we are speaking about real human beings whose bodies failed to develop in the way they were biologically intended to develop. As such there are very real emotions attached to the idea that some people do not fit the normal…
Read MoreA Crisis of Ideology
“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other—until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”[1] This prescient warning…
Read MoreIs There Something Unique about the Transgendered Brain?
At the heart of this debate over how to classify transgenderism is the question, “What causes transgenderism?” Is transgenderism a perfectly natural and inborn condition; is it a consequence of social conditioning; is it a psychological disorder, or is it something else? Until recently, many of those who denied that transgenderism is rooted in a…
Read MoreIs Transgenderism a Mental Disorder?
Denmark became the first country in Europe to allow transgender individuals to legally change their gender without medical records in 2014.[1] In 2016 Denmark became the first country in the world to announce that it will remove transgenderism from its list of mental diseases, effective January 1, 2017.[2] This despite the fact that the World Health Organization…
Read MoreIs Gender Dysphoria a Valid Excuse for Our Behavior?
The cause of transgenderism may be in doubt, but as Christians we understand that the Bible defines transgender behavior as sinful behavior regardless of its cause. A person’s biology and mental health cannot be our basis for determining the morality of any behavior. Scientists have discovered possible biological predispositions to such things as adultery, rape,…
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