Posts Tagged ‘Sexual Confusion’
Trans-Species & Trans-Racial: Divorcing Truth from Reality
From the earliest of ages, some individuals are convinced that their gender and their body are misaligned. CBS News reports, “An 8-year-old second-grader in Los Angeles is a typical patient. Born a girl, the child announced at 18 months, ‘I a boy’ and has stuck with that belief.”[1] Such testimonies are becoming increasingly common, and…
Read MoreAre Bathrooms Safe Places?
“Trans women are killed for using the men’s restroom, and they’re jailed for using the women’s restroom. In the end, what choice do we have?” This comment by Tyler Beebe, a 27-year-old trans woman, is indicative of the kind of rhetoric that surrounds the debate over who can and cannot use gender-specific bathrooms.[1] Reality, however, is far…
Read MoreRegret Is the First Step to Recovery
Walt Heyer is an example of someone who reached rock bottom and found Jesus. He was 42 years old, married, and a father of 2 when he chose to undergo sex-reassignment surgery and become Laura Jensen. Eight years later, he realized that his desire to change sexes was based upon deep-rooted childhood trauma rather than…
Read MoreAre Christians Ready to Minister to Transgenders?
Recent news, media, and legislative events have made it evident that there is an entire community of people who know that something isn’t right and are desperately seeking a solution. Unfortunately, they are focused upon transforming their bodies when they should be focused on transforming their spirits. However, the natural guide in this process is…
Read MoreIs Sex-Change Surgery the Solution?
Suicide rates among the transgender community are more than 25 times the rate of the general population. Statistics from a 2010 survey of more than 7,000 transgender individuals conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force reveal that “A staggering 41% of respondents reported attempting suicide compared…
Read MoreAre Scientists Preparing to Change Biological Women into Biological Men?
“‘Pregnancy and childbirth were very male experiences for me,’ said a 29-year-old respondent in a study reported Friday in Obstetrics and Gynecology. ‘When I birthed my children, I was born into fatherhood.’”[1] This introduction to the NPR article “Transgender Men Who Become Pregnant Face Social, Health Challenges” reveals the complexities inherent in the 21st Century normalization of…
Read MoreAre Our Bodies Sacred?
Our theology determines our sexuality. What then does the Bible say about our physical bodies and our authority to design our sexuality? According to the Bible, we as human beings are unique from the animals in that we have been created in the image of God. Precisely what is involved in serving as imagers of…
Read MoreWhy Did God Create Gender?
Similar to the scientific studies, the Bible does not distinguish between one’s biological sex and one’s gender. Instead, these are inextricably linked together. Genesis 1:27 teaches, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” The Hebrew word translated as “man” is…
Read MoreIs Gender a Social Construction?
Although transgenderism has long sought refuge amid the acronym LGBT—standing for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender—the transgender community increasingly argues for a distinction between biological sex, sexual preference, and gender. According to a Time magazine article titled “The Transgender Tipping Point:” sex is biological, determined by a baby’s birth anatomy; gender is cultural, a set…
Read MoreGender: What Does the Science Show?
In 2014 Facebook users were given the opportunity to select one of 50 gender options when creating their profile.[1] A few months later, Facebook worked with United Kingdom activist groups Press for Change and Gendered Intelligence to add 21 new gender options to this list.[2] With the removal of objective standards for determining gender, anyone is now…
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