Posts Tagged ‘Sexual Immorality’

Is There Really a Gay Agenda?

Few things seem to rile homosexual activists more than an allusion to a gay agenda, but in 1990 Harvard-trained gay authors Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen wrote the book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990’s, in which they presented a six-point comprehensive strategy for changing…

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What Is the Christian Agenda?

What is the Christian Agenda?

As Christians, we serve as Christ’s ambassadors according to 2 Corinthians 5:20, “We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” An ambassador is one who represents and speaks on behalf of another. When an ambassador of the United States of America…

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Is There Really a Gay Agenda?

Is There Really a Gay Agenda?

In a 1996 speech on behalf of same-sex marriages delivered to the House of Representatives, Iowa Republican Ed Fallon declared: Heterosexual unions are and will continue to be predominant, regardless of what gay and lesbian couples do. To suggest that homosexual couples in any way, shape or form threaten to undermine the stability of heterosexual…

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What Is the Gay Agenda?

What is the Gay Agenda?

In 1990 Harvard-trained gay authors Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen wrote the book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990’s, in which they presented a six-point comprehensive strategy for changing America’s attitude toward homosexuality. According to the authors, the purpose of this book was to expand…

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Once Gay Always Gay?

Despite the fact that there is a concerted effort on both sides to change people’s sexual orientation, the standard mantra is, “Once gay, always gay.” This stems from the belief that people are born gay; therefore, they have no choice in the matter. Is this what the Bible teaches? And what does the science say?…

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How Our Theology Determines Our Sexuality

How Theology Determines Sexuality

Our theology determines our sexuality. According to the Bible, we as human beings are unique from the animals in that we have been created in the image of God. Precisely what is involved in serving as imagers of God has been greatly debated by theologians throughout the centuries, but one thing that has not been…

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How Do We Determine the Morality of Same-Sex Relationships?

How Do We Determine the Morality of Same-Sex Relationships?

Considered by former president and Founding Father John Adams to be one of America’s three most notable Founding Fathers, Dr. Benjamin Rush was an advocate for free public schools for all youth. In fact, he can rightly be called the father of public schools under the Constitution.[1] Dr. Rush once wrote, “The only means of establishing…

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Homosexuality Was Sinful before the Old Testament Law

Homosexuality was Sinful before the Old Testament Law

Dr. John Corvino is well known for his lecture titled “What’s Morally Wrong with Homosexuality” in which he concludes with the challenge that people ought not to question whom someone loves but whether someone loves. Similarly, gay activists such as Matthew Vines present heart-rending appeals to their opponents asking that homosexuals simply be permitted and…

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Can a Person Change His Sexual Orientation?

Can a Person Change His Sexual Orientation?

Despite the fact that there is a concerted effort on both sides to change people’s sexual orientation, the standard mantra is, “Once gay, always gay.” This stems from the belief that people are born gay; therefore, they have no choice in the matter. In other words, the once gay, always gay argument is the practical…

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Freedom from the Identity of “Homosexual”

Freedom from the Identity of Homosexual

In 2009 the American Psychological Association released a two-year study that concluded there is insufficient evidence to determine whether or not conversion therapy works. Put another way, this study concluded that it may be possible for a person to change his or her sexual orientation—there simply is not enough evidence to be certain. The findings…

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