Posts Tagged ‘Abortion’
No Place for God in Major Political Party
Only those willing to align our national policies with God’s moral laws have any chance of truly succeeding in Washington D.C. We must not forget that the solution to our nation’s troubles is ultimately a spiritual matter. If we seek God’s blessing upon our nation, then we cannot exclude Him from our politics….
Read MoreAmerica’s Drift
From the early 1960’s until now, American culture has undergone a transformation that has left it almost unrecognizable. This shift is not only apparent to all who take the time to observe it, but it also has significant implications for the future. There are four particular cultural changes that should concern every Christian familiar with…
Read MoreShould Women Be Trusted to Draw the Line on Abortion?
“My body; my choice” has been a prevailing mantra among abortionists for nearly 200 years. The belief espoused by Pete Buttigieg that women alone have a right to determine if and when they should have an abortion was also a favorite argument among Spiritists during America’s spiritism movement of the mid-1800s….
Read MoreWhen Does Life Begin?
For a presidential candidate eager to adjudicate moral questions, Mayor Pete Buttigieg has been remarkably reluctant to define the morality of abortion. He told Bob Costa that the questions surrounding when life begins are “almost unknowable questions,” and, “We will never be able to settle those questions in a consensus fashion, scientifically.” However, in an interview on The Breakfast Club, Mayor Pete suggested that the Bible may define life as beginning not at conception but at first breath….
Read MoreOne Vote away from Tyranny
Regardless of one’s politics, it is deeply disturbing the frequency with which serious presidential candidates have proposed solving controversial matters through executive orders. Without blushing, multiple candidates readily declared their intention to ignore the will of the people and proper legislative process in favor of imposing their will upon the nation by executive fiat. This is particularly troubling when one considers the extreme policy positions represented among the candidates during the DNC debate….
Read MoreMayor Pete and the Dawning of a New Political Era
As a Millennial, Buttigieg appeals to younger voters, being a fresh face in a year when Millennials are poised to become the largest eligible voting bloc. TIME reports, “Many Democrats are hungry for generational change, and the two front runners are more than twice his age.” However, generational change for the sake of change can be a terrifying prospect, and…
Read MoreWhat’s Our Endgame?
On television, Game of Thrones’ Battle of Winterfell and in theaters, the release of Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame made this weekend arguably the biggest pop culture weekend in modern history. But even the most popular…
Read MoreWill Pro-Life Christians Seize the Moment?
God’s people have been notably absent in our national debate over abortion these past few years which have included the #ShoutYourAbortion movement, near panic that the new Supreme Court appointments will result in the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the New York legislature’s standing ovation celebrating radical expansions to state abortion laws, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s post-birth abortion comments, and the U.S. Senate’s failure to pass a bill requiring health care providers offer medical care to babies born alive after a failed abortion….
Read MoreProof Our Nation Is Desperately Sick
Pedophiles, infanticide, real and fake hate-crimes, voter fraud, corruption, violence, sexual abuse within the church, promiscuity, mass shootings, anti-Semitism, government gridlock, incentivizing criminality, and more dominated our nation’s news cycle over the course of little more than one week. But because we become distracted and forget these reports after a matter of days…
Read MoreOutrageous! When Did We Embrace Infanticide?
Newborn babies who persevere through an attempted abortion do not know whether they will be cared for and protected once they cross the line into our world. According to an Americans United for Life report, 19 states do not require protection for babies born alive after a failed abortion, and last month, New York repealed its state law protecting newborns who are born alive during failed abortions….
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