Posts Tagged ‘Church’
What Does Contending for Truth Look Like in Today’s Culture?
In my post “Surging Evil: What’s Our Response,” I challenged us to contend against various cultural issues, such as cancel culture, Big Tech censorship, and gender confusion. I wrote, “In America too, there is an intense battle before us—a battle with sobering realities. It is a battle we did not seek but is a battle…
Read MoreCrisis of Decision: America at the Crossroads
Disruptive as it may be, the challenges made to the 2020 elections are a blessing because they have exposed corruption in our electoral process where it may otherwise have gone unnoticed and unreported. … As Americans, we find ourselves at a moral crossroads. … True unity comes from God, but our enemy is offering a counterfeit form of unity that undermines God’s desire for our nation. … So where do we go from here?
Read MoreHow to Pray for Partisan Issues Like This Contested Election
It can be difficult to know how to pray for political issues that are inherently partisan, such as the contested presidential election of 2020. Far too many people find it easier to simply disengage than to be controversial. So, what does it look like to pray for political issues in a manner that is not overly partisan?
Read MorePersevering through a Never-Ending Election
What must a candidate show in court to invalidate an entire state’s election results? This is the unprecedented question at play in the 2020 presidential election. … there appears to be a spirit of fatigue upon our nation and upon our churches. We’ve simply found this entire process to be too exhausting and tiresome. Consequently…
Read MoreThe Election Message Pastors Are Reluctant to Share
The contrast between the two party platforms represented in Tuesday’s election and their vision for America cannot be more stark. These are not two paths to the same ultimate goal for America. Instead, they are diverging paths that lead to entirely different futures with entirely different conclusions on moral issues. America stands at a crossroad of decision, and God expects His people to engage in upholding truth and preserving what remains of our Christian heritage….
Read MoreWhat Gethsemane Teaches Us about the Election
Faced with the greatest decision of all time, Jesus fell to His knees in the Garden of Gethsemane and asked that His disciples likewise pray. Unfortunately, Jesus’ disciples did not feel the weight of the moment. Instead, they drifted into slumber—twice. Today the fate of humanity may not rest in the balance, but the fate of our nation very well may. We are 13 days from…
Read MoreFor Such a Time as This: The Church’s Next Great Battle
Some doctrines serve as a fulcrum within Christendom. What God’s people believe concerning these doctrines necessarily swings the entire thinking, mission, and approach of the church. It is as if the crux of the Christian faith and the effectiveness of the church rests upon these doctrines. … Today there is a prevailing ideology that is perhaps the greatest threat the Christian faith has yet faced because it threatens a bevy of fulcrum doctrines within Christendom….
Read MoreA Biblical Look at Black Lives Matter
Black lives are just as valuable as the lives of any other human being who is created in the image of God. Because of this, black people deserve to be treated equally under the law and granted the same rights and protections as any other American citizen. When this is not realized in our country,…
Read MoreShould Christians Support Black Lives Matter?
Regardless of what one believes about BLM’s stance on racism in America, it is difficult to understand how a Christian could support an organization that is so openly anti-God and anti-Bible—unless God’s people are simply unaware of what the Black Lives Matter Network truly believes and represents. So, let us take a moment to educate ourselves on who BLM is and what they believe….
Read MoreChaos – The New Normal That Must Be Replaced
Stunned, I sat listening to an African American brother in Christ explain that last weekend, near the area in Chicago where he grew up, 104 Blacks were shot—almost exclusively by other Blacks—and 14 died. As our conversation concluded, his remarks piqued my interest: “Where is Black Lives Matter now? Why are there no protests over…
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