Posts Tagged ‘Sexual Immorality’
Does the Bible Define “Husband” and “Wife”?
The Genesis account provides definitions for the terms “husband” and “wife.” Genesis 2:23–25 defines “wife” as being a woman united to a man through a marriage relationship, “‘She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’ Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and…
Read MoreWhy Focus on Homosexuality?
Today it is nearly impossible to avoid the issue of homosexuality as it is continually paraded before every stratum of society. In a perfect world, the church would never need to address this sinful behavior but could focus its full attention on how to better serve God and strengthen a personal relationship with Him, but…
Read MoreThe High Stakes in Confronting Homosexuality
In a perfect world, the church would never need to address sinful behavior but could focus its full attention on how to better serve God and strengthen a personal relationship with Him, but we do not live in a perfect world. Instead, we live in a fallen world where sinful behavior continually threatens the ability…
Read MoreSacrificing Religious Liberty Atop the Altar of Sexual Liberty
LGBT issues place at risk our freedom to hold personal religious and moral convictions. This is evidenced by the arrest of David Parker for insisting that his kindergarten-aged child opt out of homosexual education in the public school. According to a 2008 World Net Daily article titled “Decision to Teach Kids to Be ‘Gay’ Allowed…
Read MoreIs Homosexuality the Greatest Sin?
Homosexual behavior should not be emphasized to the neglect of other sins. Every sin is equally evil in the sight of God in that every sin is a rebellion against God that results in eternal separation from having a right relationship with Him. The Bible refers to this as a second death in Revelation 20:12–15.…
Read MoreIs Homosexuality a Private Matter?
Some argue that homosexuality is as issue of love between two private individuals. They conclude that it should not be our business to concern ourselves with their behavior. Others ask, “What difference does it make how other people act in private?” Popular as these challenges may be, they simply are not grounded in reality. The…
Read MoreIs America Coming out of the Closet?
*Updated November 2015* “Standing atop a giant wedding cake float, Aubrey Loots and Danny Leclair exchanged vows New Year’s Day in the first same-sex marriage during the Tournament of Roses Parade. Throngs of spectators cheered as the men, dressed in dark suits, faced each other and held hands before the Rev. Alfreda Lanoix, who officiated…
Read MoreA Homosexual Lifestyle
We are encouraged to ignore the gay pride parades and consider the homosexual lifestyle to be virtually indistinguishable from the heterosexual lifestyle … but is this true? Generally speaking, is the homosexual lifestyle different from the heterosexual lifestyle simply in the gender of one’s partner? Click to Download
Read MoreThe Risky Truth behind the Homosexual Lifestyle
Anymore, we are being encouraged to ignore the gay pride parades and consider the homosexual lifestyle to be virtually indistinguishable from the heterosexual lifestyle … but is this true? Generally speaking, is the homosexual lifestyle different from the heterosexual lifestyle simply in the gender of one’s partner? Is there no risk associated with the homosexual…
Read MoreIs the Homosexual Lifestyle More Promiscuous?
With increasing frequency, one can turn on the television and witness advertisements that, at first, appear to depict the classic American family, showing two parents, a couple children, and a dog enjoying life together. However, upon closer examination, this classic American family now has two men as the parents, or two women as the parents.…
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