Posts Tagged ‘Supreme Court’
Roe v. Wade Is Overturned! Now What?
Following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on Friday, Mississippi Attorney General Eric Schmitt enacted his state’s “trigger law” by signing a proclamation banning abortions. This makes him the first attorney general in our nation to effectively end abortion. … For many, today is a glorious day, decades in the making. But now what?
Read MoreOur Hope Does Not Rest in the Balance of the Supreme Court
If we are not actively seeking to bring godly understanding and transformation to the hearts and minds of those around us, then it matters very little who is appointed to the Supreme Court. What difference does it make if the Court protects an environment that is conducive to sharing the gospel if God’s people refuse to share that gospel? Before we jump into a blood-battle over who should fill Justice Ginsburg’s vacancy…
Read MoreIt’s Go-Time for Prayer Warriors
Little did I know what was about to unfold when I urgently called us to prayer for the month of September in my last blog. … We need prayer now more than ever. Whether it’s sharing the gospel, praying for the next Supreme Court justice, speaking the truth about BLM and COVID-19, or crying out to God day and night for mercy for our nation, it is go-time for Christian prayer warriors in America….
Read MoreJustice Ginsburg Now Stands before the Ultimate Judge
If 2020 has taught us anything, it ought to be how fragile life truly is and that, as James 3:13–15 cautions us, we should never take tomorrow for granted. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed from this life on Friday due to metastasized cancer. While the temptation is strong to immediately begin the political calculations…
Read MoreSomething Must Change
Where are we as a nation when a pagan is giving greater voice to truth than our Christian leaders? And how is it that she managed to stand more firm in her beliefs when she came under fire for her boldness than what I often witness in the Christian community? Perhaps it is time we…
Read MoreThe Real-World Consequences of Fake News
Following a now debunked New York Times report in September detailing a new sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh from his college years, Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MN) filed an impeachment resolution pressing the House Judiciary Committee to investigate Justice Kavanaugh. She was supported by public calls for impeachment from several Democratic presidential candidates…
Read MoreOne Vote away from Tyranny
Regardless of one’s politics, it is deeply disturbing the frequency with which serious presidential candidates have proposed solving controversial matters through executive orders. Without blushing, multiple candidates readily declared their intention to ignore the will of the people and proper legislative process in favor of imposing their will upon the nation by executive fiat. This is particularly troubling when one considers the extreme policy positions represented among the candidates during the DNC debate….
Read MoreWhat Did We Learn from Kavanaugh vs. Ford?
Far too often we find ourselves whipped into a national frenzy because of some narrative dominating the news cycle, only to set it aside weeks later and nearly forget about it. Whether it be the separation of families at the border, the opioid epidemic, net neutrality, tensions with North Korea, voter fraud, or any number of other examples, it seems as if there is always some new “national crisis” that demands our full attention, prompting us to forget about the previous emergency. And since one crisis is immediately followed by another, we never seem to stop and process what we should have learned through these nationally shared experiences…
Read MoreFord’s Fight: When “Your Truth” Is Presented as “the Truth”
Throughout the nation, ordinary people from every walk of life were glued to televisions, radios, and mobile devices, listening in as the Senate Judiciary Committee heard two emotional testimonies on the charge of sexual assault. Christine Blasey Ford was given opportunity to share “her truth.”
Read MoreKavanaugh’s Fight: When Idealistic Belief Is Dangerous
Today, we are told that all women must be believed on principle. However, this implicit faith in the infallible testimony of allegedly victimized women inherently undermines two of our nation’s most valued tenets: the presumption of innocence and due process.
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