Does God Support Open Borders?

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The controversy over how to secure our southern border has produced the longest government shutdown in America’s history.[1] Daily, we are inundated with arguments for and against building a wall to keep illegal aliens from entering the country. Much has been said about the morality of building a wall, its effectiveness, the cost, and whether President Trump is demanding a wall for political gain. However, as this debate rages, I can’t seem to escape this question: How much of the resistance to secure our borders is rooted in an ideological commitment to globalism?


Globalism—the idea that the nations of the world will be better off existing as a global community with a global government—has been on the march for decades. Presently, this utopian vision includes tackling world hunger; solving global warming; eradicating disease and poverty; defeating terrorism; improving the global economy; resolving inequality; and of course; rendering wars as obsolete. I must admit, this sounds attractive and alluring—almost too good to be true . . . and as we shall see, it is.


Recently, globalist ideals have again been voiced by prominent leaders. Germany’s Angela Merkel proclaimed a new kind of “patriotism” where people shift their allegiance from their own nations to the European Union.[2] French President Emmanuel Macron praised the post-World War I formation of the League of Nations, recalling how, “They imagined the first international corporation, the dismantling of empires, and redefined borders . . .” He also stated, “Nationalism is treason.”[3] And, the eulogizing of former president George H.W. Bush included references to his hundreds of public references to an emerging “new world order” – his favorite term when casting a vision for globalism.


While immigrants looking for a better life and some politicians have something to gain from open borders, I believe the biggest winners of an open borders policy will be globalists.


It appears that open borders are not only a goal of globalism, but open borders are also a means to that goal. By nature, immigrants are not nationalistic. They are looking for somewhere—often anywhere—that will provide them with a better life. Therefore, when a nation like America has a growing number of people who are not loyal to what made America prosperous—namely its Judeo-Christian ethic and its government as a Constitutional Republic—the nation becomes increasingly open to new ideas. In short, globalism is a new idea more readily embraced by people without loyalty to the nation in which they reside.


When immigrants arrive legally and are required to learn American history and the language, these problems are largely resolved. But our emphasis on multi-culturalism without an expectation of assimilation has undermined this side of the equation. Further, illegal immigration shows a lack of respect for what defines a nation, which we will see shortly has biblical implications.


If our nation is resolved to implement secure borders with clear immigration policy, our nation will be better positioned to stave off globalism. I believe this is vital for three reasons:

  • Instead of solving global problems, globalism increases evil. In the first truly global enterprise, God observed the acceleration of the people’s hubris when all of humanity came together to resist His command by undertaking to build the Tower of Babel. This initiative sought to unite heaven and Earth according to the people’s way rather than God’s way (Gen 11:4). Because of the ultimately self-destructive nature of such an endeavor, out of love God stepped in and confused the languages in order to separate the people according to nations. Are we so naïve as to believe that today’s globalism, with the combining of the world’s resources, will be absent of such hubris and actually bring about progress in line with God’s purposes?
  • Scripture leans against globalism and in favor of sovereign nations. Nations are God’s idea, and it is He who establishes a nation’s borders. Paul affirmed God’s design and His purpose in creating nations when addressing the Athenians (Acts 17:22-28).
  • Globalism will eventually empower a future leader, who is often referred to as the anti-Christ, to persecute Christians throughout the world (Dan. 7:15-28). Mankind will worship him even as they seek to kill God’s worshipers (Rev. 13:4–8). Throughout world history oppressed citizens of violent regimes had the option to flee to another nation, but with global governance, there is nowhere to run.


It may be culturally and politically popular to advocate global ideals and the blurring of borders, optimistically believing in humanity’s better side, but the Bible presents a different picture. Eventually, globalism will allow humanity’s darker side to prevail. According to God, sovereign nations play an important role in holding evil at bay and in drawing people back to Himself (Gen. 11:1-9; Acts 17:26–27). When we forget this, we may find ourselves inadvertently aiding and abetting one of Satan’s greatest schemes—globalism.


Far from being immoral, a border wall reminds people of the divisions between nations that God Himself has established. It may not defeat globalism, but it is a step in the direction of affirming God’s design and His redemptive plan for humanity.


Works Cited:

  1. Zaveri, Mihir, Guilbert Gates and Karen Zraick. “This Government Shutdown Is Now the Longest Ever. Here’s the History.” New York Times, January 15, 2019. Accessed January 15, 2019.
  2. LaChance, Mike. “Globalism: Angela Merkel Admits She Wants Nations to Give Up Their Sovereignty.” American Lookout, November 24, 2018. Accessed January 12, 2018.
  3. Spiering, Charles. “French President Emmanuel Macron: ‘Nationalism Is Treason.’” Breitbart, November 11, 2018. Accessed January 12, 2018.

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David Warn

Dave Warn is the founder and director of Forerunners of America, a ministry dedicated to help people discern the hour, respond in faith, and help bring in the greatest spiritual harvest our nation has experienced in generations.
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