It is when we believe spiritual lies and false arguments that a demonic stronghold is established in our lives, and ultimately in our culture (2 Cor. 10:3–5). As Christians, we are called to challenge these ideas. They may manifest themselves in the form of political causes, lifestyle choices, attitudes, and trends, but at their core is a spiritual lie. However, before we can engage cultural ideas and the spiritual lies that undergird them, we must be informed.
Culture in Focus applies God’s Word to today’s headlines to expose spiritual lies and equip Christians to have meaningful conversations. These researched articles are designed to inform Christians about what is transpiring in our culture and why it matters to God. It could be that many of our national troubles are God’s response to our culture.
Palm Sunday Is More Culturally Relevant Than You Imagine
Content with their religious routine and traditions, Israel’s spiritual leaders prioritized peace over participation in what God was accomplishing. Nonetheless, God’s truth would not be suppressed….
Read MoreFor some of us, this cultural full-court press encourages a mentality that pines for the good old days of yesteryear when times were simpler and our culture was more “Christian.” Such longing is certainly understandable, but it is neither helpful nor accurate. The cultural change our nation needs is…
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Anne Hathaway’s Pseudo-Intellectual Babel on Abortion Is a Call to Arms for God’s Righteous Warriors
While we may be tempted to simply dismiss this as another example of The View’s daily dose of stupidity, it is imperative that we, as Christians, be capable of responding to this line of reasoning….
The Fetal Heartbeat “Conspiracy:” Dispelling Preferred Narratives
Our capacity for self-delusion appears to know no bounds. … Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams recently demonstrated this in a speech … “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”
Roe v. Wade Is Overturned! Now What?
Following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on Friday, Mississippi Attorney General Eric Schmitt enacted his state’s “trigger law” by signing a proclamation banning abortions. This makes him the first attorney general in our nation to effectively end abortion. … For many, today is a glorious day, decades in the making. But now what?
Abortion in the Crosshairs: The Kill Shot to Roe v. Wade
The once elusive hope of overturning Roe v. Wade is finally reality … Why isn’t every church in America talking about this lawsuit and blanketing it in prayer for the next few months? … Terrified that Roe v. Wade may, in fact, be overturned, U.S. House Democrats passed the most pro-abortion bill in history on September 24. The Women’s Health Protection Act passed in a party-line vote, with only…
It Is Time to Stop Clowning around about Abortion
Ironically, the same woke activists that decried comedian Dave Chappelle’s insensitivity last month toward transgenders are now lauding a Saturday Night Live sketch with “Goober the Clown (who had an abortion when she was 23).” … “Review after review, recap after recap, proclaimed that it was punchy and provocative,”…
November 3rd—Trump vs. Biden, or Something Bigger?
For many the first presidential debate of 2020 highlighted a question with which they’ve long struggled: How could anyone support and vote for such a foul-mouthed, mean-spirited, bully who has seemingly single-handedly destroyed civil public discourse in America? … Like it or not, one of two people will be president come January 20, 2021. … Yet, as contentious as these two candidates have proven to be with each other, something bigger is at play…
Alienated from the Country We Love
“Trump Impeached Again” is blared across the Washington Post in massive block letters. … Once more, our nation finds itself in uncharted territory. This snap impeachment was so rushed that there is not even sufficient time for the Senate to conduct a trial, begging the question of whether a president can complete the impeachment process after he has already left office. … What has become of our country? Far too many Americans look around themselves and simply fail to recognize…
It’s Go-Time for Prayer Warriors
Little did I know what was about to unfold when I urgently called us to prayer for the month of September in my last blog. … We need prayer now more than ever. Whether it’s sharing the gospel, praying for the next Supreme Court justice, speaking the truth about BLM and COVID-19, or crying out to God day and night for mercy for our nation, it is go-time for Christian prayer warriors in America….
What Are Whiteness and Ethnocentrism?
Our society is rife with examples of conflict between communities … Sometimes communities deliberately make others feel unwanted, but often these social cues are relayed subconsciously. … Recently this idea has become an important part of our national conversation on racial issues….
Stop the Unraveling
Since March, our nation has experienced a dramatic unraveling that, among other things, has already expanded our national debt from 23.8 to 26.7 trillion dollars. No amount of money will repair our nation, but before sharing a vital step to reverse what is taking place before our eyes, let me summarize our recent journey, which…
The Illusion of Race
Race is a relatively new idea. It emerged in the nineteenth century as the evidence for evolution began to accumulate. Prior to this time Europeans generally had believed that the book of Genesis furnished a historical account of man’s creation and the peopling of the world. Race was an exciting idea. Scientists thought it offered a key to human history, one that would explain why…
What Is Intersectionality?
The term “intersectionality” has become a cultural buzz word. Churches are embracing this concept, newscasters readily promote it, and political activists use it to empower their messages. Despite its popularity, there is perhaps no more inherently divisive ideology than that of intersectionality. As a facet of cultural Marxism—more popularly known as critical theory—intersectionality relies upon…
Does God “Hate” the New York Times?
“There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers” (Prov. 6:16–19). Our politically correct Christian culture tends to shy away from strong words like “hate” and “abomination”…
Our Hope Does Not Rest in the Balance of the Supreme Court
If we are not actively seeking to bring godly understanding and transformation to the hearts and minds of those around us, then it matters very little who is appointed to the Supreme Court. What difference does it make if the Court protects an environment that is conducive to sharing the gospel if God’s people refuse to share that gospel? Before we jump into a blood-battle over who should fill Justice Ginsburg’s vacancy…
The Real-World Consequences of Fake News
Following a now debunked New York Times report in September detailing a new sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh from his college years, Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MN) filed an impeachment resolution pressing the House Judiciary Committee to investigate Justice Kavanaugh. She was supported by public calls for impeachment from several Democratic presidential candidates…
The Fake News Epidemic Is Growing
In the waning hours of the anniversary of the president’s 2018 fake news awards, we were reminded that the problem of fake news persists today. Moreover, it seems to be growing, as is evidenced by BuzzFeed’s now debunked bombshell report which triggered an avalanche of frenzied analysis and reporting by nearly all major news outlets…
What Did We Learn from Kavanaugh vs. Ford?
Far too often we find ourselves whipped into a national frenzy because of some narrative dominating the news cycle, only to set it aside weeks later and nearly forget about it. Whether it be the separation of families at the border, the opioid epidemic, net neutrality, tensions with North Korea, voter fraud, or any number of other examples, it seems as if there is always some new “national crisis” that demands our full attention, prompting us to forget about the previous emergency. And since one crisis is immediately followed by another, we never seem to stop and process what we should have learned through these nationally shared experiences…
Is Trump Protecting Us from National Judgment? (Part 2)
We now have a president who is actively striving to turn our nation away from sinful practices that invoke God’s judgment. We’ve already considered how President Trump is confronting a culture of lies, endeavoring to stop the shedding of innocent blood, and is providing aid to those who are oppressed, helpless, and poor. However, there are more areas where President Trump—whether he realizes it or not—is working to stave off calamity by resisting the very things that invoke God’s judgment.
Elon Musk Liberates Twitter; Should We Care?
America’s war over free speech escalated to new heights last week. It began with Elon Musk’s successful bid to purchase Twitter for roughly $44 billion dollars, and it climaxed with an admission that the Department of Homeland Security has created a “Disinformation Governance Board” to combat misinformation ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. These steps will certainly…
Alienated from the Country We Love
“Trump Impeached Again” is blared across the Washington Post in massive block letters. … Once more, our nation finds itself in uncharted territory. This snap impeachment was so rushed that there is not even sufficient time for the Senate to conduct a trial, begging the question of whether a president can complete the impeachment process after he has already left office. … What has become of our country? Far too many Americans look around themselves and simply fail to recognize…
How Are We Being Censored by Social Media?
Yet another viral video of doctors challenging the status quo regarding COVID-19 has been censored. … Congress may be prohibited from limiting our freedom of speech, but the digital platforms necessary for communicating in the 21st Century certainly can. Several court cases have determined that…
When Big Tech Causes the Truth to Stumble
God’s grievance against the nation in Isaiah 59 was their rejection of truth. A culture of lies had been fostered, resulting in oppression and injustice. Truth had stumbled in the public squares, preventing righteousness from entering and provoking God to judge the nation. What does it look like when truth stumbles in a nation’s public squares?
How a Stripper-Pole Halftime Super Bowl Show Can Give Us Hope
“The #Superbowl is the only time of the year when it is socially acceptable to watch half-naked women with your family.” This was the reaction of a 16-year old boy after watching the Super Bowl LIV halftime show…. More shocking to some was Jennifer Lopez who made her entrance clutching a stripper pole, performing her risqué dance routines in front of her 11-year-old daughter. At one point, she even mimicked the crucified Christ atop her stripper pole as throngs of dancers bowed before her…
How to Use Amazon’s Censorship Headlines to Talk about the Gospel
Big Tech censorship has advanced yet another step forward in its war on contrarian thinking. LifeSite News reports, “Amazon has removed the books of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the psychologist whom critics have dubbed ‘the father of conversion therapy.’ In other words, for claiming that change is possible for those who experience unwanted same-sex attraction, Dr.…
Our Hope Does Not Rest in Mike Pence
All eyes are on Vice President Mike Pence today as he presides over the certification of the Electoral College votes for our nation’s next president. Theories abound regarding what he may or may not do in light of the numerous allegations of election fraud … If the case for election fraud is so overwhelming, why are the hopes of many being pegged to our vice president and the legislature?
Crisis of Decision: America at the Crossroads
Disruptive as it may be, the challenges made to the 2020 elections are a blessing because they have exposed corruption in our electoral process where it may otherwise have gone unnoticed and unreported. … As Americans, we find ourselves at a moral crossroads. … True unity comes from God, but our enemy is offering a counterfeit form of unity that undermines God’s desire for our nation. … So where do we go from here?
How to Pray for Partisan Issues Like This Contested Election
It can be difficult to know how to pray for political issues that are inherently partisan, such as the contested presidential election of 2020. Far too many people find it easier to simply disengage than to be controversial. So, what does it look like to pray for political issues in a manner that is not overly partisan?
Persevering through a Never-Ending Election
What must a candidate show in court to invalidate an entire state’s election results? This is the unprecedented question at play in the 2020 presidential election. … there appears to be a spirit of fatigue upon our nation and upon our churches. We’ve simply found this entire process to be too exhausting and tiresome. Consequently…
What Should Christians Do in This Contested Election?
Pastor Gary Hamrick warned in the days preceding the 2020 election that the devil is prowling around looking for a nation to devour. Indeed, our elections are a pivotal battlefield in our spiritual war. It is through our election process that we…
Impeachment: When We Judge Ourselves
The dramatic impeachment of President Trump has been filled with more twists, plot gaps, and anti-climactic revelations than any soap opera. Never has there been such a partisan impeachment process. Throughout the entire ordeal…
CDC Admits to Scientific Fraud: Are Christians Making the Same Mistake?
Data released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that the COVID-19 vaccine provided practically no “absolute risk” reduction for Americans below the age of 50. However, this was not the narrative the CDC was touting. … Occasionally, current events … can illustrate the foolishness of the very tactics we ourselves have adopted….
When Fear Rules: The Rise of Omicron
Fear has been the driving force in determining our way of life for nearly two years, so perhaps it should not be surprising that it only took four men in Africa with Hay Fever-like symptoms to cause a stock market crash, trigger a new spate of travel bans, and rebooted talk of government lockdowns. On Black Friday…
Dr. Fauci Illustrates the Danger of Substituting Truth with Personal Preference
With the release of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s e-mails via a Freedom of Information lawsuit filed by BuzzFeed News, “America’s doctor” has fallen from his pedestal. … Having allowed the allure of fame and power, combined with his hopes and desires, to guide his decision-making, Dr. Anthony Fauci now serves as a warning to each of us. He illustrates a simple principle found in the Bible…
“I Identify As Fully Vaccinated”: The Nature Of Truth
Faced with the choice of taking a questionable vaccine or being treated as social lepers in our new COVID caste system, some in Michigan are employing a method that has proven to be highly successful in other politically, culturally, and morally sensitive matters. They are choosing to identify as fully vaccinated. In short, they are choosing to…
What Does Contending for Truth Look Like in Today’s Culture?
In my post “Surging Evil: What’s Our Response,” I challenged us to contend against various cultural issues, such as cancel culture, Big Tech censorship, and gender confusion. I wrote, “In America too, there is an intense battle before us—a battle with sobering realities. It is a battle we did not seek but is a battle…
Alienated from the Country We Love
“Trump Impeached Again” is blared across the Washington Post in massive block letters. … Once more, our nation finds itself in uncharted territory. This snap impeachment was so rushed that there is not even sufficient time for the Senate to conduct a trial, begging the question of whether a president can complete the impeachment process after he has already left office. … What has become of our country? Far too many Americans look around themselves and simply fail to recognize…
Alienated from the Country We Love
“Trump Impeached Again” is blared across the Washington Post in massive block letters. … Once more, our nation finds itself in uncharted territory. This snap impeachment was so rushed that there is not even sufficient time for the Senate to conduct a trial, begging the question of whether a president can complete the impeachment process after he has already left office. … What has become of our country? Far too many Americans look around themselves and simply fail to recognize…
What Are Whiteness and Ethnocentrism?
Our society is rife with examples of conflict between communities … Sometimes communities deliberately make others feel unwanted, but often these social cues are relayed subconsciously. … Recently this idea has become an important part of our national conversation on racial issues….
Not Your Parents’ Racism
Historically, racism has been defined as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” This is no longer the definition undergirding our modern conversations about racial issues. Instead, modern academics have…
The Illusion of Race
Race is a relatively new idea. It emerged in the nineteenth century as the evidence for evolution began to accumulate. Prior to this time Europeans generally had believed that the book of Genesis furnished a historical account of man’s creation and the peopling of the world. Race was an exciting idea. Scientists thought it offered a key to human history, one that would explain why…
What Is Intersectionality?
The term “intersectionality” has become a cultural buzz word. Churches are embracing this concept, newscasters readily promote it, and political activists use it to empower their messages. Despite its popularity, there is perhaps no more inherently divisive ideology than that of intersectionality. As a facet of cultural Marxism—more popularly known as critical theory—intersectionality relies upon…
What Is Cultural Hegemony?
Demands that we defund and abolish the police, the New York Times’ 1619 alternative history project, open calls for Marxism, Robin Diangelo’s book White Fragility, and a myriad of other seismic cultural shifts rely upon a concept sometimes called “cultural hegemony.” It is vital that as Christians we understand this concept….
Proof Our Nation Is Desperately Sick
Pedophiles, infanticide, real and fake hate-crimes, voter fraud, corruption, violence, sexual abuse within the church, promiscuity, mass shootings, anti-Semitism, government gridlock, incentivizing criminality, and more dominated our nation’s news cycle over the course of little more than one week. But because we become distracted and forget these reports after a matter of days…
Is There a Spiritual Issue behind the National Debt?
It appears that our economy is far more precarious than we realize. As a nation, we are drowning in a sea of debt. On the campaign trail, President Trump and his fellow Republicans preached fiscal responsibility, nevertheless, despite Republican majorities in both the House and the Senate, America continues to increase its debt…
Seeking Refuge in a Precarious Economy
In 2010, Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, warned that monetary policies are on an “unsustainable path.” Similarly, former financial consultant for Fortune 100 companies and founder of Dent Research, Harry Dent, believes that the U.S. economy is set for a “shakeout more painful than anything we’ve seen before” with “the worst stock…
Stock Market: A Precious Investment
The Dow hit a new high of 19,000 in the wake of Donald Trump’s election, and the S&P 500 and Nasdaq are also at record highs.[1] Stocks like Caterpillar and U.S. Steel have surged in anticipation of Trump’s plan to rebuild America’s infrastructure. Pharmaceutical stocks, such as Merck and Pfizer, have risen in the hope that…
Is There Refuge in a Precarious Economy?
In 2010, Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, warned that monetary policies are on an “unsustainable path.” Similarly, former financial consultant for Fortune 100 companies and founder of Dent Research, Harry Dent, believes that the U.S. economy is set for a “shakeout more painful than anything we’ve seen before”[1] with “the worst stock decline…
Real Estate: A Precious Investment
Property prices fell 36%, when adjusted for inflation, between the U.S. real estate peak in 2006 and the year 2012.[1] Since then, real estate prices have been steadily rising and are once more near their pre-recession highs. Low mortgage rates helped to make 2016 a great year for real estate investors, with home values, prices, and…
Who Chooses Our Government, God or the people?
Are we capable of persuading God to grant us a different government than the one He wants to give us?
The Government We Deserve
Voters awoke this morning to very different election results, which seem to defy explanation. However, before we rush to cry “election fraud!” let us ask if this is truly the message that God may want us to deliver at this time….
God Is Answering Our Prayers for Election Integrity
The 2020 election was exhausting, and very few of us are probably interested in revisiting the controversy and chaos surrounding it. Let’s be honest: How many of us stopped praying about election integrity after the inauguration on January 6, 2021? Granted, God may not have answered our requests within the time frame we desired, but God has been answering our prayers….
QAnon, Prophets, and Accepting Personal Responsibility
There was no elaborate military coup, surprise arrests, martial law, bombshell revelations of corruption, foreign invasion, supernatural intervention, or any of the myriad of theories circulating social media these past few months. For some this comes as no surprise, but others are devastated, confused, and embarrassed. Regardless of our emotional state, we are all now experiencing a reality-check. In short, we must now…
Alienated from the Country We Love
“Trump Impeached Again” is blared across the Washington Post in massive block letters. … Once more, our nation finds itself in uncharted territory. This snap impeachment was so rushed that there is not even sufficient time for the Senate to conduct a trial, begging the question of whether a president can complete the impeachment process after he has already left office. … What has become of our country? Far too many Americans look around themselves and simply fail to recognize…
Our Hope Does Not Rest in Mike Pence
All eyes are on Vice President Mike Pence today as he presides over the certification of the Electoral College votes for our nation’s next president. Theories abound regarding what he may or may not do in light of the numerous allegations of election fraud … If the case for election fraud is so overwhelming, why are the hopes of many being pegged to our vice president and the legislature?
Heart of a Forerunner
The Heart of a forerunner is burdened with discerning all that is transpiring in our culture and warning others from a biblical perspective; however, the heart of a forerunner is not content merely to sound the alarm. A forerunner is also burdened with seeing the systemic change in both individuals and society that Jesus had in mind in His Great Commission….
Halloween: How to Use the Vampire to Share the Gospel
Gothic horror, from which was birthed our modern depictions of monsters, is rooted in mankind’s fear and comprehension of its own dark inclinations. Certainly, the king of gothic horror is the vampire. As such, vampires portray the thirst and restlessness of our repressed dark side. They challenge us to confront our natural predisposition for evil and our pursuit of personal gratification over all else….
How to Use Halloween Horror to Share the Gospel
What better time is there for conversations about the afterlife than a day dominated by ghosts and monsters? Indeed, the horror of vampires, werewolves, zombies, witches, and ghosts provide prime opportunities to share spiritual truths with a secular society. Far from fearing these monsters, Christians can embrace them as meaningful archetypes that illustrate…
Profound Incompetence
Even if President Joe Biden made the right decision to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, he certainly failed in his execution of this mission. While our anger appears justified, we may be better served to learn from President Biden’s mistakes by questioning whether we are executing our own mission with an similar level of incompetence….
An Olympic Disaster: When Representatives Bring Disgrace
The abysmal ratings of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic opening ceremony reflect America’s frustration with woke athletes who care more about virtue signaling, social media, and their personal brand than the sport they play or the country they supposedly represent. … as Americans, we do not appreciate being misrepresented to the world. However, we are not alone in this sentiment…
QAnon, Prophets, and Accepting Personal Responsibility
There was no elaborate military coup, surprise arrests, martial law, bombshell revelations of corruption, foreign invasion, supernatural intervention, or any of the myriad of theories circulating social media these past few months. For some this comes as no surprise, but others are devastated, confused, and embarrassed. Regardless of our emotional state, we are all now experiencing a reality-check. In short, we must now…
Can We Finally Call CNN What God Calls It?
Nobody expects the news media to be 100% accurate all the time. … However, there is a difference between occasional errors and the consistent pattern of misrepresentation and selective reporting of facts seen throughout much of the mainstream media. Perhaps none have been as effective at revealing intentional deception and manipulation by major news outlets as…
Does God “Hate” the New York Times?
“There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers” (Prov. 6:16–19). Our politically correct Christian culture tends to shy away from strong words like “hate” and “abomination”…
2020: A Year of Deception
“And the angel threw him [Satan] into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer.” Revelation 20:3 Revelation 20 teaches that Satan not only attempts to deceive you and I individually, but that he schemes to deceive entire nations. Due to…
NYT Receives Another Pulitzer Prize for Printing Fake News
“I listened in stunned silence as Nikole Hannah-Jones, a reporter for the New York Times, repeated an idea that I had vigorously argued against with her fact-checker” … What does it mean for our country when our national paper of record is repeatedly rewarded with our nation’s highest journalism prize for deliberately distorted, misleading, and false reporting? At the very least, it indicates that…
The Real-World Consequences of Fake News
Following a now debunked New York Times report in September detailing a new sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh from his college years, Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MN) filed an impeachment resolution pressing the House Judiciary Committee to investigate Justice Kavanaugh. She was supported by public calls for impeachment from several Democratic presidential candidates…
Are America’s Networks Protecting Child Sex-Trafficking?
“NBC, ABC and CBS News have all now appeared to run cover for some of the world’s most powerful rape rings, allegedly killing stories and firing employees who tried to expose the outlets.” This shocking lead to a Daily Caller news article highlights the latest in a series of outrageous abuses by our nation’s news networks….
2020: A Year of Deception
“And the angel threw him [Satan] into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer.” Revelation 20:3 Revelation 20 teaches that Satan not only attempts to deceive you and I individually, but that he schemes to deceive entire nations. Due to…
How Should Christians Respond to Tyranny?
“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God” nearly became the motto of the United States. … Our founding fathers were convinced that Christians have an obligation to defend freedom and to resist tyranny. However, Romans 13 informs us that all authorities are appointed by God. Were our founding fathers misguided? How should Christians respond to tyranny?
Biblical Principles for Enduring House Arrest
Many of us are becoming restless. As Attorney General William Barr put it, “The idea that you have to stay in your house is disturbingly close to house arrest.” We want to be freed from our homes and return to some semblance of normalcy. These feelings are natural, but they may be distracting us from what God is trying to accomplish in our lives during this time….
One Vote away from Tyranny
Regardless of one’s politics, it is deeply disturbing the frequency with which serious presidential candidates have proposed solving controversial matters through executive orders. Without blushing, multiple candidates readily declared their intention to ignore the will of the people and proper legislative process in favor of imposing their will upon the nation by executive fiat. This is particularly troubling when one considers the extreme policy positions represented among the candidates during the DNC debate….
No More Divisions: Confronting Gun Control
Few things divide Americans like the issue of gun control, and debate on the matter is often visceral. Sometimes we become so entrenched in our political camp that we lose perspective on the debate. In the case of gun control, we may be surprised to discover that, throughout American history, robust gun laws have always existed alongside a firm belief in gun rights….
One Vote away from Tyranny
Regardless of one’s politics, it is deeply disturbing the frequency with which serious presidential candidates have proposed solving controversial matters through executive orders. Without blushing, multiple candidates readily declared their intention to ignore the will of the people and proper legislative process in favor of imposing their will upon the nation by executive fiat. This is particularly troubling when one considers the extreme policy positions represented among the candidates during the DNC debate….
Why a Quick Fix for Mass Shootings Won’t Work
Public mass shootings incite waves of grief, fear, and outrage that lead to a strong desire to do something. Inevitably, this leads to a national debate regarding gun control. Z. Byron Wolf reports, “The details don’t really matter when it comes to mass shootings in the current political climate. The script now is set —…
Mass Shootings and the Search for a Quick Fix
Three of the deadliest mass shootings in modern history occurred in the year 2017. The magnitude of these shootings, coupled with their proximity to one another, has provoked a general sense that mass shootings are on the rise. Is this true? And what can we learn from our national search for a quick solution? Click to…
Palm Sunday Is More Culturally Relevant Than You Imagine
Content with their religious routine and traditions, Israel’s spiritual leaders prioritized peace over participation in what God was accomplishing. Nonetheless, God’s truth would not be suppressed….
New Year Resolution: Stop Settling for a Dog’s Life
“That’s your Christmas gift,” my wife begrudgingly muttered on our journey home. “In fact, that’s your Christmas gift for the next five years!” Comfortably resting in the back seat of our car was the source of my wife’s irritation…
Rainbow Fentanyl: Should We Be Worried about Contaminated Halloween Candy?
In a rare display of true bipartisan messaging, the leadership of both political parties have warned that rainbow-colored fentanyl …. may be distributed to children during Halloween. … Why are Americans so obsessed with the notion of contaminated Halloween candy, and how did this urban legend become so widespread?
An Indispensable New Year Resolution
Do your friends, family, and co-workers know more about your opinions regarding vaccine mandates, masks, inflation, illegal immigration, election integrity, America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, or our president’s mental health than they know about your opinions regarding God and His expectations for how we ought to live?
Halloween: How to Use the Vampire to Share the Gospel
Gothic horror, from which was birthed our modern depictions of monsters, is rooted in mankind’s fear and comprehension of its own dark inclinations. Certainly, the king of gothic horror is the vampire. As such, vampires portray the thirst and restlessness of our repressed dark side. They challenge us to confront our natural predisposition for evil and our pursuit of personal gratification over all else….
How to Use Halloween Horror to Share the Gospel
What better time is there for conversations about the afterlife than a day dominated by ghosts and monsters? Indeed, the horror of vampires, werewolves, zombies, witches, and ghosts provide prime opportunities to share spiritual truths with a secular society. Far from fearing these monsters, Christians can embrace them as meaningful archetypes that illustrate…
The Truth Behind America’s Trickiest Holiday and How to Navigate It
Anyone who has investigated the subject knows how controversial and confusing it is. What few resources exist to guide Christians are often oversimplified, based upon faulty research, and completely contradictory to one another. Moreover, most of the suggestions for how to…
2021 Is Finally Here! Will It Be All That We Hope?
Like everything else in 2020, Christmas this year proved to be more eventful than expected for my family. While driving to my grandmother’s house, a plow truck ran us off the road and into an exceptionally deep, snow-filled ditch. One moment I was working to ensure our family arrived at my grandmother’s house on time so as not to be berated by my relatives for delaying Christmas dinner, and the next moment I found myself impossibly stuck in a car tilted to the side at a 60-degree angle….
Stop Pining for the Good Old Days
For some of us, this cultural full-court press encourages a mentality that pines for the good old days of yesteryear when times were simpler and our culture was more “Christian.” Such longing is certainly understandable, but it is neither helpful nor accurate. The cultural change our nation needs is…
Court Decides Whether Quoting the Bible Is a Crime
Two Christians stood trial on Monday for publicly expressing the “extreme Christian thinking” that homosexuality and sex outside of a monogamous and heterosexual marriage are sins. Incredibly, their crime occurred seven years before LGBT was added to the national hate-speech law as a protected class. Nevertheless…
Ecosexual Foolishness: A New Low, Even for CNN
Just when we think we’ve reached the bottom of the barrel for serious reporting by CNN, we discover there are even greater depths of foolishness. … The picture adorning the article is worth a thousand words. It shows an eccentric, lesbian couple hugging a tree while arrayed in purple outfits that look like something stolen from the aliens in a 1950s B-grade science fiction movie….
Are Christians Fiddling While Society Burns?
How is it that when we gather together as Christians, we can consistently ignore everything in the weekly news cycle; we can neglect the actions of our politicians; we can gloss over the personal struggles represented in our congregations; we can refuse to respond to the worldview bombarding our children on a daily basis in their schools; and yet we somehow can convince ourselves that we are relevant and influential voices in our culture and society?
November 3rd—Trump vs. Biden, or Something Bigger?
For many the first presidential debate of 2020 highlighted a question with which they’ve long struggled: How could anyone support and vote for such a foul-mouthed, mean-spirited, bully who has seemingly single-handedly destroyed civil public discourse in America? … Like it or not, one of two people will be president come January 20, 2021. … Yet, as contentious as these two candidates have proven to be with each other, something bigger is at play…
Justice Ginsburg Now Stands before the Ultimate Judge
If 2020 has taught us anything, it ought to be how fragile life truly is and that, as James 3:13–15 cautions us, we should never take tomorrow for granted. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed from this life on Friday due to metastasized cancer. While the temptation is strong to immediately begin the political calculations…
Blind Faith: Crisis Actors, Ukraine, and YouTube Prophets
Time and again, the predictions of these prophets have failed to transpire. … Where are the Matt Lee types among God’s church who are willing to say, “Enough is enough! Prove to us why you are worthy of our blind faith”? One of the most consistent prophetic themes on YouTube is the promise of an…
Profound Incompetence
Even if President Joe Biden made the right decision to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, he certainly failed in his execution of this mission. While our anger appears justified, we may be better served to learn from President Biden’s mistakes by questioning whether we are executing our own mission with an similar level of incompetence….
North Korea: Contemplating the Inconceivable
“Yesterday’s conflict does not have to be tomorrow’s war,” President Trump told reporters in Singapore after an historic meeting with Supreme Leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un.[1] Never before has a sitting U.S. president met with a ruling Kim family patriarch, but now the two leaders have signed a joint pledge in which “Chairman…
North Korea—Is an Easy Fix What We Really Want?
Over the past few days, North Korea has launched a missile over Japan, detonated a hydrogen bomb (which was five times more powerful than any bomb they had detonated prior), and has threatened America with an EMP strike. Rather than backing down in the face of international pressure, North Korean rhetoric and blatant taunting of the U.S. has escalated since my August 16 post. Not only is the North Korean threat headline…
Why Is North Korea so Aggressive?
For decades, North Korea has projected hostility toward the United States, but their aggression has escalated to a new level in 2017. Highlights include: June 13 – Otto Warmier, an America college student who was tortured and detained in North Korea for 17 months, was returned to the U.S. severely brain damaged and in a…
North Korean Crisis: A Product of Failed Foreign Policy
The Korean Armistice Agreement halted the bloodshed of the Korean War which cost the United States 36,000 American soldiers and wounded another 100,000.[1] Signed on July 27, 1953, the armistice was designed to suspended hostilities while a formal peace treaty could be negotiated. Sixty-four years later, no such peace treaty has been signed.[2] As such, the Korean…
How to Use Illegal Immigration to Share the Gospel
“People are coming to this country illegally, we are taking them out legally,” President Trump announced ahead of a planned “major operation” focused on removing criminals from America.[1] Operation Border Resolve targeted 2,105 illegal immigrants in more than a dozen cities who had received final deportation orders but had not reported to Immigration and Customs…
One Vote away from Tyranny
Regardless of one’s politics, it is deeply disturbing the frequency with which serious presidential candidates have proposed solving controversial matters through executive orders. Without blushing, multiple candidates readily declared their intention to ignore the will of the people and proper legislative process in favor of imposing their will upon the nation by executive fiat. This is particularly troubling when one considers the extreme policy positions represented among the candidates during the DNC debate….
The Fake News Epidemic Is Growing
In the waning hours of the anniversary of the president’s 2018 fake news awards, we were reminded that the problem of fake news persists today. Moreover, it seems to be growing, as is evidenced by BuzzFeed’s now debunked bombshell report which triggered an avalanche of frenzied analysis and reporting by nearly all major news outlets…
Does God Support Open Borders?
The controversy over how to secure our southern border has produced the longest government shutdown in America’s history. Much has been said about the morality of building a wall, its effectiveness, the cost, and whether President Trump is demanding a wall for political gain. However, as this debate rages, I can’t seem to escape this question: How much of the resistance to secure our borders is rooted in an ideological commitment to globalism?…
Are Border Walls Immoral?
Congress is not a place known for its moral convictions, yet in this new year, our new Speaker of the House has taken upon herself the mantle of preaching morality. According to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and some of her colleagues, we cannot end what has become nearly the longest government shutdown in history by providing partial funding for a national border wall because our nation’s values and morality are at stake….
Is There a Spiritual Issue behind the Immigration Debate?
When illegal immigrants are granted all the rights and privileges of citizenship without a change of allegiance, it can be said that the foreigner is rising in influence among us. Sometimes, as a means of judgment, God permits foreigners to make demands, to oppress, and sometimes even to invade and conquer nations in sin….
Alienated from the Country We Love
“Trump Impeached Again” is blared across the Washington Post in massive block letters. … Once more, our nation finds itself in uncharted territory. This snap impeachment was so rushed that there is not even sufficient time for the Senate to conduct a trial, begging the question of whether a president can complete the impeachment process after he has already left office. … What has become of our country? Far too many Americans look around themselves and simply fail to recognize…
Impeachment: When We Judge Ourselves
The dramatic impeachment of President Trump has been filled with more twists, plot gaps, and anti-climactic revelations than any soap opera. Never has there been such a partisan impeachment process. Throughout the entire ordeal…
What Is God Trying to Accomplish Through Impeachment?
Before we become overly cynical regarding the drama unfolding in Washington D.C., perhaps we should ask the Lord whether there is a reason for our leadership’s apparent lack of wisdom and failure to provide justice and meaningful solutions to the mistakes uncovered. It could be that we ourselves are the root of the problem—not our government leaders….
Uvalde Shooting and Bloodiest Memorial Day Weekend Are Warning Signals for the Church
How is it that Fox News is providing more timely and relevant spiritual perspective and application to social issues than many of our nation’s churches? We should not find more spiritual nourishment from our political pundits than we do from our pulpits….
No More Divisions: Confronting Gun Control
Few things divide Americans like the issue of gun control, and debate on the matter is often visceral. Sometimes we become so entrenched in our political camp that we lose perspective on the debate. In the case of gun control, we may be surprised to discover that, throughout American history, robust gun laws have always existed alongside a firm belief in gun rights….
Truth May Be the Greatest Casualty of Mass Shootings
The facts-first model of journalism is the latest casualty to social justice warriors and the Twitter mob. It began with a spree of mass shootings on Sunday, August 4. Within a 24-hour period, mass shootings occurred in El Paso, Texas; Dayton, Ohio; and Chicago, Illinois, but because the Dayton and Chicago shootings failed to fit the media narrative, they were largely ignored….
The Blinding Effect of Preferred Narratives
As humans, we possess an incredible ability to convince ourselves of what we want to believe, irrespective of what reality may be. In the immediate hours following the murder of 12 people at a Virginia Beach municipal office, Senator Chris Murphy tweeted…
Proof Our Nation Is Desperately Sick
Pedophiles, infanticide, real and fake hate-crimes, voter fraud, corruption, violence, sexual abuse within the church, promiscuity, mass shootings, anti-Semitism, government gridlock, incentivizing criminality, and more dominated our nation’s news cycle over the course of little more than one week. But because we become distracted and forget these reports after a matter of days…
Leadership That Matters
In Jeremiah’s day, the religious leaders neglected their responsibility by declaring that everything was good. What about us? Do we declare peace when, from God’s perspective, there are deeply consequential issues that are not being addressed?
Overwhelmed by the News
Following the news is both mentally and emotionally exhausting. … There is nothing wrong with feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the news, but there is something wrong with allowing our exhaustion to excuse disconnecting from the moral course our country is charting. … What should we do? How can we find a balance between becoming overwhelmed or disconnecting?
Are You a Person of Conviction?
Cultural influencers are people who are convinced. Martin Luther King Jr. was convinced that the challenges of African Americans could be changed through nonviolence and civil disobedience. Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, was convinced that the good news of Jesus Christ needed to get to the remotest parts of the earth. Alexander…
California’s Fire Reveals Priceless Truth
Can you imagine sifting through the ashes of your home, searching for something of value in the aftermath of a wildfire? This is what many in Paradise, California are doing. In fact, I listened to a news report where a victim said the only possession of his that survived the fire was a ceramic teapot that he had made in high school….
Hurricane Michael: Is God Delivering a Message?
Few things make us feel more powerless than natural disasters. Faced with the fury of “Mother Nature,” we are reminded of how little control we truly have over our own lives. But rather than become circumspect, we quickly become distracted, and we fail to receive what may be a message from God delivered in such a way as to make it unavoidable.
Does God Use Natural Disasters to Judge People and Nations?
Standing in the wake of catastrophic devastation, it is normal to question God’s role in natural disasters. It is common, in the aftermath of any severe natural disaster, for some to boldly declare it to be God’s judgment upon evil deeds. Like Elijah, it is easy to assume that God must be communicating through major…
Should We Blame God for Natural Disasters?
Within weeks, nine western states have battled forest fires while two record-breaking hurricanes have inundated our southern and eastern coastlines with water. On August 25, Hurricane Harvey struck Houston, Texas in what the Washington Post called an unprecedented “1,000-year flood event”, dropping more than 50 inches of rain within a few days.[1][2] One week later, the…
Are Natural Disasters God’s Megaphone?
On August 25, 2017, Hurricane Harvey struck Houston, Texas in what the Washington Post called an unprecedented “1,000-year flood event”, dropping more than 50 inches of rain within a few days.[1][2] Only two weeks later, Hurricane Irma delivered “significant devastation” to the U.S. Virgin Islands and pummeled the entire state of Florida.[3] Boasting wind speeds of…
How Can a Loving God Allow Natural Disasters?
God’s love compels Him to alert people to the peril of their sinful behavior. God readily protects us from much of what may otherwise naturally occur, but we should not expect God to continually withhold such disaster when we are in rebellion to Him. At some point, He may choose to lift His hand of…
God Is Answering Our Prayers for Election Integrity
The 2020 election was exhausting, and very few of us are probably interested in revisiting the controversy and chaos surrounding it. Let’s be honest: How many of us stopped praying about election integrity after the inauguration on January 6, 2021? Granted, God may not have answered our requests within the time frame we desired, but God has been answering our prayers….
A resurgence of voices declaring that revival is coming to America has caught the attention of God’s people from coast-to-coast. In the face of numerous nationwide challenges, it seems that a national revival—what some refer to as a Great Awakening—is necessary to save our nation. And since God loves us, to those who are declaring…
What Gethsemane Teaches Us about the Election
Faced with the greatest decision of all time, Jesus fell to His knees in the Garden of Gethsemane and asked that His disciples likewise pray. Unfortunately, Jesus’ disciples did not feel the weight of the moment. Instead, they drifted into slumber—twice. Today the fate of humanity may not rest in the balance, but the fate of our nation very well may. We are 13 days from…
It’s Go-Time for Prayer Warriors
Little did I know what was about to unfold when I urgently called us to prayer for the month of September in my last blog. … We need prayer now more than ever. Whether it’s sharing the gospel, praying for the next Supreme Court justice, speaking the truth about BLM and COVID-19, or crying out to God day and night for mercy for our nation, it is go-time for Christian prayer warriors in America….
Hope for a National U-Turn
Hope for America largely rests in next generation turning to Christ, and specifically among those who will one day lead the nation in education, law, business, government, religion, family, the arts, and media. Because of this reality, it is vital that we see a sweeping move of God throughout our nation’s colleges in universities…
A Stunning Thing Just Happened! Will We Sustain It?
Before describing the stunning movement of prayer that God orchestrated last week from coast to coast, let me briefly provide some context. For almost 100 years, concluding around 1915, there was serious national engagement in prayer for college students. Many believers, the vast majority of whom had never attended college themselves, paused on the…
Do the Emmy Awards Indicate We Are Drifting Into Oblivion?
On Tuesday, it was announced that FOX’s ‘Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show Starring Jennifer Lopez And Shakira’ picked up four Emmy Award nominations … Superbowl LIV now seems like a distant memory from another lifetime, but it is worth recalling that this halftime show was especially scandalous….
Should Christians Support Black Lives Matter?
Regardless of what one believes about BLM’s stance on racism in America, it is difficult to understand how a Christian could support an organization that is so openly anti-God and anti-Bible—unless God’s people are simply unaware of what the Black Lives Matter Network truly believes and represents. So, let us take a moment to educate ourselves on who BLM is and what they believe….
Where America’s Riots Have Gone Wrong
What began as a cry for justice quickly evolved into a demand that Americans embrace a foreign approach to governance. Some, such as author and social critic Os Guinness, have noted that the leaders of this movement are attempting to replace the ideology of the American Revolution with that of the French Revolution. Fundamentally, they are replacing a biblical model with an expressly anti-biblical model….
How a Stripper-Pole Halftime Super Bowl Show Can Give Us Hope
“The #Superbowl is the only time of the year when it is socially acceptable to watch half-naked women with your family.” This was the reaction of a 16-year old boy after watching the Super Bowl LIV halftime show…. More shocking to some was Jennifer Lopez who made her entrance clutching a stripper pole, performing her risqué dance routines in front of her 11-year-old daughter. At one point, she even mimicked the crucified Christ atop her stripper pole as throngs of dancers bowed before her…
Mayor Pete and the Dawning of a New Political Era
As a Millennial, Buttigieg appeals to younger voters, being a fresh face in a year when Millennials are poised to become the largest eligible voting bloc. TIME reports, “Many Democrats are hungry for generational change, and the two front runners are more than twice his age.” However, generational change for the sake of change can be a terrifying prospect, and…
Are Our Cultural Role Models Advocating Violence?
It seems political rhetoric is becoming increasingly violent. Particularly troubling is how many of our cultural role models, celebrities, and entertainers are publicly advocating violence against President Trump, his family, those in his administration, and those who support him. Rather than face criticism for such rhetoric, they are frequently rewarded with laughter and applause or are granted a pass because their frustration is rooted in politically correct causes.
Heart of a Forerunner
The Heart of a forerunner is burdened with discerning all that is transpiring in our culture and warning others from a biblical perspective; however, the heart of a forerunner is not content merely to sound the alarm. A forerunner is also burdened with seeing the systemic change in both individuals and society that Jesus had in mind in His Great Commission….
The Fetal Heartbeat “Conspiracy:” Dispelling Preferred Narratives
Our capacity for self-delusion appears to know no bounds. … Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams recently demonstrated this in a speech … “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”
Introducing “Watchman’s Cry”
Due to an accidental e-mail on Tuesday, some of you got a sneak peek at our latest project. For some time now, we’ve been developing a new content channel titled Watchman’s Cry, and we are excited to announce that it is now live at our website! Moreover, we will…
The Truth Behind America’s Trickiest Holiday and How to Navigate It
Anyone who has investigated the subject knows how controversial and confusing it is. What few resources exist to guide Christians are often oversimplified, based upon faulty research, and completely contradictory to one another. Moreover, most of the suggestions for how to…
Culture of Lies
Nearly half of all Americans have a negative view of the news media. Only 44% say they can think of a news source that reports the news objectively, and 66% say news outlets do not do a good job of separating fact from opinion. Now we have a president who regularly calls mainstream news outlets…
America in the Balance Bible Study
God has a purpose for nations in His redemptive plan, and He uses such things as a rising national debt, a gridlocked government, and deteriorating family structures to expose a nation’s spiritual waywardness.
Why Contesting This Election Should Matter to Every Christian
Granted, the media has all but coronated Joe Biden, but with 80 electoral college votes across seven states in dispute, neither candidate is close to crossing the 270 vote threshold. As the vote stands today, President Trump is slightly leading with 232 votes to Joe Biden’s 226 votes. … Our news media may have little interest in charges of election fraud, but God cares deeply about the integrity of the vote. According to Proverbs 20:23…
It’s Go-Time for Prayer Warriors
Little did I know what was about to unfold when I urgently called us to prayer for the month of September in my last blog. … We need prayer now more than ever. Whether it’s sharing the gospel, praying for the next Supreme Court justice, speaking the truth about BLM and COVID-19, or crying out to God day and night for mercy for our nation, it is go-time for Christian prayer warriors in America….
What Are Whiteness and Ethnocentrism?
Our society is rife with examples of conflict between communities … Sometimes communities deliberately make others feel unwanted, but often these social cues are relayed subconsciously. … Recently this idea has become an important part of our national conversation on racial issues….
Not Your Parents’ Racism
Historically, racism has been defined as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” This is no longer the definition undergirding our modern conversations about racial issues. Instead, modern academics have…
The Illusion of Race
Race is a relatively new idea. It emerged in the nineteenth century as the evidence for evolution began to accumulate. Prior to this time Europeans generally had believed that the book of Genesis furnished a historical account of man’s creation and the peopling of the world. Race was an exciting idea. Scientists thought it offered a key to human history, one that would explain why…
For Such a Time as This: The Church’s Next Great Battle
Some doctrines serve as a fulcrum within Christendom. What God’s people believe concerning these doctrines necessarily swings the entire thinking, mission, and approach of the church. It is as if the crux of the Christian faith and the effectiveness of the church rests upon these doctrines. … Today there is a prevailing ideology that is perhaps the greatest threat the Christian faith has yet faced because it threatens a bevy of fulcrum doctrines within Christendom….
Court Decides Whether Quoting the Bible Is a Crime
Two Christians stood trial on Monday for publicly expressing the “extreme Christian thinking” that homosexuality and sex outside of a monogamous and heterosexual marriage are sins. Incredibly, their crime occurred seven years before LGBT was added to the national hate-speech law as a protected class. Nevertheless…
Are Christians Fiddling While Society Burns?
How is it that when we gather together as Christians, we can consistently ignore everything in the weekly news cycle; we can neglect the actions of our politicians; we can gloss over the personal struggles represented in our congregations; we can refuse to respond to the worldview bombarding our children on a daily basis in their schools; and yet we somehow can convince ourselves that we are relevant and influential voices in our culture and society?
2020: A Year of Deception
“And the angel threw him [Satan] into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer.” Revelation 20:3 Revelation 20 teaches that Satan not only attempts to deceive you and I individually, but that he schemes to deceive entire nations. Due to…
November 3rd—Trump vs. Biden, or Something Bigger?
For many the first presidential debate of 2020 highlighted a question with which they’ve long struggled: How could anyone support and vote for such a foul-mouthed, mean-spirited, bully who has seemingly single-handedly destroyed civil public discourse in America? … Like it or not, one of two people will be president come January 20, 2021. … Yet, as contentious as these two candidates have proven to be with each other, something bigger is at play…
Are We Losing Our Religious Liberty?
Speaking at the University of Notre Dame on October 11, 2019, U.S. Attorney General William Barr argued that the cultural degradation in America today is unique from other points of history and other immoral societies. According to Barr, our hope rests in restoring the traditional religious values that are under assault. Moreover, “We must place…
Mayor Pete and the Dawning of a New Political Era
As a Millennial, Buttigieg appeals to younger voters, being a fresh face in a year when Millennials are poised to become the largest eligible voting bloc. TIME reports, “Many Democrats are hungry for generational change, and the two front runners are more than twice his age.” However, generational change for the sake of change can be a terrifying prospect, and…
The Sacred Architecture of Our Bodies
A plain reading of Scripture compels us to accept that our being created in God’s image includes our sexuality….
Our Bodies Are Designed to Image God
How far are humans permitted to travel along the path of biological alteration and enhancement?
Constructing a Postgender Future
Our society’s increasing ability to manipulate a person’s sex organs is surprising, but there is another community, known as transhumanists, that envisions a day when the very function of our sex organs will become obsolete….
A Brave New World: Reassigning Internal Sex Organs
Some surprising medical advances have given hope to the dream of reassigning a person’s internal sex organs in the near future…
Blurring Gender Boundary Lines
Our traditional view of biology and its limitations are undergoing a radical transformation….
Overcoming Our Natural Inclinations
From the very beginning, humanity has sought to absolve itself of responsibility for its actions, but the brutal truth is…
Shell Shocked: What the Mueller Report Reveals about Our Response to Truth
Confronted with the stark contrast between their characterization of “Russian collusion” and Robert Mueller’s findings, newsrooms across the nation have reminded us of just how difficult it can be to admit our errors and accept an unwelcome conclusion…
A Nation Divided
Robert Mueller’s investigation prompted more than 533,000 web articles according to NewsWhip data cited by Axios. For nearly two years, these articles have kept social media ablaze, generating approximately 245 million likes, comments, and shares on Twitter and Facebook. America’s obsession with Mueller’s investigation is unprecedented. Together, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC published an average of nearly 13 articles a day for almost two years….
Proof Our Nation Is Desperately Sick
Pedophiles, infanticide, real and fake hate-crimes, voter fraud, corruption, violence, sexual abuse within the church, promiscuity, mass shootings, anti-Semitism, government gridlock, incentivizing criminality, and more dominated our nation’s news cycle over the course of little more than one week. But because we become distracted and forget these reports after a matter of days…
The Fake News Epidemic Is Growing
In the waning hours of the anniversary of the president’s 2018 fake news awards, we were reminded that the problem of fake news persists today. Moreover, it seems to be growing, as is evidenced by BuzzFeed’s now debunked bombshell report which triggered an avalanche of frenzied analysis and reporting by nearly all major news outlets…
Steele Dossier Timeline – Just the Facts
Immense confusion surrounds the development and release of the Steele Dossier. What is it? What does it allege? How did the government get involved? And how did it become public? …
What 5 Months of Missing Texts Reveals about Us as Americans
A pattern is emerging. When asked to provide potentially incriminating documentation, those within the United States government conveniently cannot access those records. Recently, the Department of Justice discovered five months of missing texts in the transcripts of text messages provided to the House Judiciary Committee between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page…
Are America’s Networks Protecting Child Sex-Trafficking?
“NBC, ABC and CBS News have all now appeared to run cover for some of the world’s most powerful rape rings, allegedly killing stories and firing employees who tried to expose the outlets.” This shocking lead to a Daily Caller news article highlights the latest in a series of outrageous abuses by our nation’s news networks….
Jeffrey Epstein’s Story Reminds Us That True Justice Cannot Be Averted
Mystery shrouds both the life and death of Jeffrey Epstein. In life “he lied about the identities of his clients, his wealth, his financial prowess, his personal achievements.” In death, questions and conspiracy theories abound. Did Epstein commit suicide by hanging himself in his jail cell, or was he murdered by strangulation to keep him from talking to the authorities about the elicit behavior of some of the world’s most powerful and influential personalities?
Proof Our Nation Is Desperately Sick
Pedophiles, infanticide, real and fake hate-crimes, voter fraud, corruption, violence, sexual abuse within the church, promiscuity, mass shootings, anti-Semitism, government gridlock, incentivizing criminality, and more dominated our nation’s news cycle over the course of little more than one week. But because we become distracted and forget these reports after a matter of days…
Is Trump Protecting Us from National Judgment? (Part 2)
We now have a president who is actively striving to turn our nation away from sinful practices that invoke God’s judgment. We’ve already considered how President Trump is confronting a culture of lies, endeavoring to stop the shedding of innocent blood, and is providing aid to those who are oppressed, helpless, and poor. However, there are more areas where President Trump—whether he realizes it or not—is working to stave off calamity by resisting the very things that invoke God’s judgment.
Palm Sunday Is More Culturally Relevant Than You Imagine
Content with their religious routine and traditions, Israel’s spiritual leaders prioritized peace over participation in what God was accomplishing. Nonetheless, God’s truth would not be suppressed….
Who Chooses Our Government, God or the people?
Are we capable of persuading God to grant us a different government than the one He wants to give us?
The Government We Deserve
Voters awoke this morning to very different election results, which seem to defy explanation. However, before we rush to cry “election fraud!” let us ask if this is truly the message that God may want us to deliver at this time….
Uvalde Shooting and Bloodiest Memorial Day Weekend Are Warning Signals for the Church
How is it that Fox News is providing more timely and relevant spiritual perspective and application to social issues than many of our nation’s churches? We should not find more spiritual nourishment from our political pundits than we do from our pulpits….
CDC Admits to Scientific Fraud: Are Christians Making the Same Mistake?
Data released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that the COVID-19 vaccine provided practically no “absolute risk” reduction for Americans below the age of 50. However, this was not the narrative the CDC was touting. … Occasionally, current events … can illustrate the foolishness of the very tactics we ourselves have adopted….
20 Years after 9/11, Can We Finally Admit the Truth?
Perhaps the greatest casualty on September 11 was truth. Patriotic Americans across the country rallied around our flag rather than our exclusive truth claims for one faith and the moral obligations that come with it. At the time, it was considered intolerant and unpatriotic to…
Roe v. Wade Is Overturned! Now What?
Following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on Friday, Mississippi Attorney General Eric Schmitt enacted his state’s “trigger law” by signing a proclamation banning abortions. This makes him the first attorney general in our nation to effectively end abortion. … For many, today is a glorious day, decades in the making. But now what?
Our Hope Does Not Rest in the Balance of the Supreme Court
If we are not actively seeking to bring godly understanding and transformation to the hearts and minds of those around us, then it matters very little who is appointed to the Supreme Court. What difference does it make if the Court protects an environment that is conducive to sharing the gospel if God’s people refuse to share that gospel? Before we jump into a blood-battle over who should fill Justice Ginsburg’s vacancy…
It’s Go-Time for Prayer Warriors
Little did I know what was about to unfold when I urgently called us to prayer for the month of September in my last blog. … We need prayer now more than ever. Whether it’s sharing the gospel, praying for the next Supreme Court justice, speaking the truth about BLM and COVID-19, or crying out to God day and night for mercy for our nation, it is go-time for Christian prayer warriors in America….
Justice Ginsburg Now Stands before the Ultimate Judge
If 2020 has taught us anything, it ought to be how fragile life truly is and that, as James 3:13–15 cautions us, we should never take tomorrow for granted. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed from this life on Friday due to metastasized cancer. While the temptation is strong to immediately begin the political calculations…
Something Must Change
Where are we as a nation when a pagan is giving greater voice to truth than our Christian leaders? And how is it that she managed to stand more firm in her beliefs when she came under fire for her boldness than what I often witness in the Christian community? Perhaps it is time we…
The Real-World Consequences of Fake News
Following a now debunked New York Times report in September detailing a new sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh from his college years, Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MN) filed an impeachment resolution pressing the House Judiciary Committee to investigate Justice Kavanaugh. She was supported by public calls for impeachment from several Democratic presidential candidates…
Who Chooses Our Government, God or the people?
Are we capable of persuading God to grant us a different government than the one He wants to give us?
The Government We Deserve
Voters awoke this morning to very different election results, which seem to defy explanation. However, before we rush to cry “election fraud!” let us ask if this is truly the message that God may want us to deliver at this time….
Uvalde Shooting and Bloodiest Memorial Day Weekend Are Warning Signals for the Church
How is it that Fox News is providing more timely and relevant spiritual perspective and application to social issues than many of our nation’s churches? We should not find more spiritual nourishment from our political pundits than we do from our pulpits….
CDC Admits to Scientific Fraud: Are Christians Making the Same Mistake?
Data released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that the COVID-19 vaccine provided practically no “absolute risk” reduction for Americans below the age of 50. However, this was not the narrative the CDC was touting. … Occasionally, current events … can illustrate the foolishness of the very tactics we ourselves have adopted….
Blind Faith: Crisis Actors, Ukraine, and YouTube Prophets
Time and again, the predictions of these prophets have failed to transpire. … Where are the Matt Lee types among God’s church who are willing to say, “Enough is enough! Prove to us why you are worthy of our blind faith”? One of the most consistent prophetic themes on YouTube is the promise of an…
Profound Incompetence
Even if President Joe Biden made the right decision to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, he certainly failed in his execution of this mission. While our anger appears justified, we may be better served to learn from President Biden’s mistakes by questioning whether we are executing our own mission with an similar level of incompetence….
Intersex Is a Medical Condition, Not a Gender
Despite the ambiguity of their sex organs, most intersex people are still discernably male or female….
Intersex: Not a Divine Accident
Does God make mistakes when He creates some people?
The Importance of Biological Intent
Intersex people are still born male or female, even if their anatomy is not considered to be typically male or female….
When Realities Collide
The reality of intersex people is commonly presented as evidence refuting a gender binary and a universal definition of biological sex….
More Than a Game: Affirming a Gender Binary
Our ever-expanding gender continuum only exists where there is a vacuum of objective standards for determining truth. In contrast, there is a growing body of scientific literature affirming both a gender binary and universal distinctions between men and women….
Created as “Male” and “Female”
The Bible does not distinguish between one’s biological sex and one’s gender….
The Government We Deserve
Voters awoke this morning to very different election results, which seem to defy explanation. However, before we rush to cry “election fraud!” let us ask if this is truly the message that God may want us to deliver at this time….
QAnon, Prophets, and Accepting Personal Responsibility
There was no elaborate military coup, surprise arrests, martial law, bombshell revelations of corruption, foreign invasion, supernatural intervention, or any of the myriad of theories circulating social media these past few months. For some this comes as no surprise, but others are devastated, confused, and embarrassed. Regardless of our emotional state, we are all now experiencing a reality-check. In short, we must now…
Alienated from the Country We Love
“Trump Impeached Again” is blared across the Washington Post in massive block letters. … Once more, our nation finds itself in uncharted territory. This snap impeachment was so rushed that there is not even sufficient time for the Senate to conduct a trial, begging the question of whether a president can complete the impeachment process after he has already left office. … What has become of our country? Far too many Americans look around themselves and simply fail to recognize…
Our Hope Does Not Rest in Mike Pence
All eyes are on Vice President Mike Pence today as he presides over the certification of the Electoral College votes for our nation’s next president. Theories abound regarding what he may or may not do in light of the numerous allegations of election fraud … If the case for election fraud is so overwhelming, why are the hopes of many being pegged to our vice president and the legislature?
Crisis of Decision: America at the Crossroads
Disruptive as it may be, the challenges made to the 2020 elections are a blessing because they have exposed corruption in our electoral process where it may otherwise have gone unnoticed and unreported. … As Americans, we find ourselves at a moral crossroads. … True unity comes from God, but our enemy is offering a counterfeit form of unity that undermines God’s desire for our nation. … So where do we go from here?
How to Pray for Partisan Issues Like This Contested Election
It can be difficult to know how to pray for political issues that are inherently partisan, such as the contested presidential election of 2020. Far too many people find it easier to simply disengage than to be controversial. So, what does it look like to pray for political issues in a manner that is not overly partisan?
The Redemptive Role of Nations
Today, God is actively involved in the affairs of every nation as He seeks to draw the hearts of mankind to Himself. Nations play a critical role in God’s redemptive plan. Indeed, their purpose stretches even into eternity. What does the Bible reveal about the origin, purpose, and destiny of nations?
America's War with God
America is engaged in a conflict it cannot win. It is time that we remove the fog of war and honestly evaluate our predicament. Does hope remain? What can we as individuals do? How do we end this war? America’s future is dependent upon the way we answer these questions.
Sounding the Alarm
We warn others because we reserve hope that a change of mindset and behavior can stave-off judgment. As such, our warning is not a decree of fated disaster. Instead, our warning is a call to action that emphasizes the consequences of inaction. But how do we do this?
Becoming Cultural Influencers
Our national warning and our call to respond in faith are both rooted in our gospel mission. If we genuinely want to make a difference in our nation, then we must embrace Jesus’ commission to become God’s cultural change agents.
Becoming Prepared
Apart from systemic cultural change, divinely permitted seasons of national difficulty are likely inevitable, but this does not absolve us from our responsibility to minister during such seasons. Instead, it could be during these times of difficulty that our ministry is most effective—if we are prepared.
Discover What It Means To Be A Forerunner
Simply put, a forerunner is a cultural influencer who serves an essential role in God's redemptive purposes. A Forerunner delivers God’s warning of national judgment with the goal of eliciting a spirit of repentance that will ripple into cultural change among both individuals and their communities. At the heart of this appeal are God’s redemptive purpose for nations and the transformative power of the gospel
The Redemptive Role of Nations
Today, God is actively involved in the affairs of every nation as He seeks to draw the hearts of mankind to Himself. Nations play a critical role in God’s redemptive plan. Indeed, their purpose stretches even into eternity. What does the Bible reveal about the origin, purpose, and destiny of nations?
America's War with God
America is engaged in a conflict it cannot win. It is time that we remove the fog of war and honestly evaluate our predicament. Does hope remain? What can we as individuals do? How do we end this war? America’s future is dependent upon the way we answer these questions.
Sounding the Alarm
We warn others because we reserve hope that a change of mindset and behavior can stave-off judgment. As such, our warning is not a decree of fated disaster. Instead, our warning is a call to action that emphasizes the consequences of inaction. But how do we do this?
Making A Difference
Confronted with the reality that America is on a perilous trajectory, each of us has a decision to make: Do we want to make a difference?
Becoming Cultural Influencers
Our national warning and our call to respond in faith are both rooted in our gospel mission. If we genuinely want to make a difference in our nation, then we must embrace Jesus’ commission to become God’s cultural change-agents.
Becoming Prepared
Apart from systemic cultural change, divinely permitted seasons of national difficulty are likely inevitable, but this does not absolve us from our responsibility to minister during such seasons. Instead, it could be during these times of difficulty that our ministry is most effective—if we are prepared.
Discover What It Means to be a Forerunner
Simply put, a forerunner is a cultural influencer who serves an essential role in God's redemptive purposes. A Forerunner delivers God’s warning of national judgment with the goal of eliciting a spirit of repentance that will ripple into cultural change among both individuals and their communities. At the heart of this appeal are God’s redemptive purpose for nations and the transformative power of the gospel
No Longer a Private Matter
Numerous countries are aggressively endeavoring to incorporate transgenderism into their official ideology, and America is no exception. As Americans we find ourselves on the cusp of being legally required to accept an individual’s personal feelings over objective truth and scientific data. Already, failure to embrace such personal feelings can lead to social ostracism, loss of employment, and discrimination lawsuits. Corporations and political leaders around the world seem determined to impose a celebration of transgenderism upon the people, regardless of their preferences and beliefs. It is no longer a private matter.
Are Gender And Biological Sex Social Constructions?
Are our views about sexuality simply a giant game of make-believe? Is gender something we invented? What about our biological sex? And if they are inventions, then must they be the same thing?
Do Intersex People Disprove The Gender Binary?
The reality of intersex people is commonly presented as evidence refuting a gender binary and a universal definition of biological sex.
Is Transgenderism A Mental Disorder?
The classification of transgenderism as a mental disorder may not be politically correct, but with the absence of objective evidence disproving such a classification, the medical community is compelled to treat it as such.
Are Our Physical Bodies Sacred?
Increasingly, scientists are blurring the boundary lines between genders. Scientific discoveries are granting our society the ability to redesign God’s creation.
No Longer A Private Matter
Numerous countries are aggressively endeavoring to incorporate transgenderism into their official ideology, and America is no exception. As Americans we find ourselves on the cusp of being legally required to accept an individual’s personal feelings over objective truth and scientific data.
Are Gender And Biological Sex Social Constructions?
Are our views about sexuality simply a giant game of make-believe? Is gender something we invented? What about our biological sex? And if they are inventions, then must they be the same thing?
Do Intersex People Disprove The Gender Binary?
The reality of intersex people is commonly presented as evidence refuting a gender binary and a universal definition of biological sex.
Is Transgenderism A Mental Disorder?
The classification of transgenderism as a mental disorder may not be politically correct, but with the absence of objective evidence disproving such a classification, the medical community is compelled to treat it as such.
Are Our Physical Bodies Sacred?
Increasingly, scientists are blurring the boundary lines between genders. Scientific discoveries are granting our society the ability to redesign God’s creation.
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Heart of a Forerunner
How to be a relevant and influential voice in a wayward nation
Unmasking Halloween
The truth behind America's trickiest holiday and how to navigate it
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As a former missionary to Asia for 12 years, a writer for Forerunners of America, and the author of several books, Timothy is passionate about helping people understand the relevancy of God’s Word in today’s world. His goals are to help Christians capitalize on the opportunities these matters provide for sharing the truth about God and His gospel message.
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